"You're a ghost who hasn't realized he's dead yet," Bryce replied. "And you'll never see my mother again. I'm sure she'll shed no tears when I tell her you're gone and left everything you own to her."

"I'm sure my lawyer will disagree with that," Patrick drawled.

"Your lawyer is a ghost, too," Bryce replied. "Ghosts don't get to make decisions."

Patrick's response was only laughter. But Raz saw the look in his uncle's eyes. Though he was trying not to let it show, Patrick was worried.

"You boys really are funny," Patrick drawled. "You stormed in here but didn't even do a sweep of the room."

"If you had a gun on you and weren't scared to shoot it, you would've already pulled the trigger," Raz stated, trying to see where Patrick was going with this little speech.

"I never said I had a weapon," Patrick explained. "Tatum made us hand them over before we entered the room. He thought the two men he placed outside, along with the two he allowed Frillman to bring in, would be enough to protect us. I knew better," Patrick said. "Which is why I made sure this room was bugged."

"Liar," Rome announced. "I secretly scanned the room the moment we sat down."

Patrick glared at Rome and said, "You use high-tech devices that search for high-tech devices. I'm old school." Patrick held up his hand. He was holding a flip phone that was open.

"Our entire conversation has been recorded," Patrick informed them. "There's this neat app where others can sign in to listen to the call. I needed it for all those late-night meetings with the don so the board could hear how he truly felt about them. It came in handy today, too. By now, the board already knows that their cars are tagged and that they should ditch them. They also know their families are about to be locked down. I'm sure they've put things in motion to ensure you can't achieve that goal."

This motherfucker!They'd been too lax with how they'd handled this entire situation.Fuck!Raz looked toward Bryce when he saw his cousin stalking over to Patrick out of the corner of his eye.

Before Raz could say anything, Bryce slapped Patrick across the face with his gun, causing Patrick's head to jerk to the side. Patrick spat blood on the table but kept laughing. Bryce slapped him with his gun again. Blood dripped down the side of Patrick's face.

"Stop," Raz yelled. "Don't kill him. Let the family deal with him. Get him out of here. If I have to keep listening to his laughter, I'll put a bullet in him myself," Raz yelled.

Bryce quickly pulled Patrick to his feet, causing the flip phone to fall out of Patrick's hand and clatter onto the floor. Orazio strode over and picked the phone up. It appeared to still be recording, meaning whoever was listening in could still hear them.

Raz brought the phone closer to his mouth and said, "I know you're all listening in. I hope you can hear me loud and clear. In my eyes, you're already dead. All of you. The trigger just hasn't been pulled yet. Don't waste your time sending your men after me. I'm coming to you. And when I'm done, you're going to wish you'd never heard the name Cattaneo."

Raz ended the recording, his glare drifting to Patrick, who was being dragged from the room. Their gazes met. Patrick was still laughing. Raz smiled as he thought of all the bodies he was about to drop. Patrick's gaze narrowed as he took in Raz's expression. His uncle's laughter ceased as the reality of the situation sank in.

"You won't win," Patrick yelled at Orazio. "Your father won't win. The family will see that I'm right. I was doing this for the Cattaneos. I was. I swear. It's me who deserves to be president of Cattaneo Corp. It's me who deserves to be don. I'm the one who's put in the most work. I am the don!" Patrick yelled, eyes wide. "I am the don!"

"Goodbye, Uncle Patrick. Rest in hell," Raz issued what he hoped would be his final farewell to his uncle.

"Fuck your goodbyes, you little bastard," Patrick yelled. "Rest in hell to your father, whoever the fuck Monique is, and her friends. The board heard everything. You mentioned a hospital. I'm sure they're sending their men to all the hospitals right now. I'm sure you have a black suit already. You'll need it soon."

Raz's smile fell as Bryce dragged Patrick from the room.Fuck!The recorder had been playing when he'd ordered Leo to let him know if any board members headed toward the hospital where his father, Monique, and her friends were.Shit. They had no time to waste. Raz pulled his phone out and called his casino's security manager, Reggie.

"Reggie, up the guards at the hospital where we send our team for physicals. Even if we have to outsource the manpower. First, contact some of the casino security guards from all of our casinos who are off today. They'll get paid triple to stand watch at the hospital until I tell them to leave. Tell them it could be hours or..." He paused.

This shit could last longer if they weren't able to end this tonight. Raz sighed, swiping his hand across his face.

"Or," he continued. "It could last days. Tell them to come prepared for days. Have the doctor set them up in rooms near our patients and my father."

"Yes, sir," Reggie muttered.

Ending the call, Raz faced his brothers. "Let's go. It's time to paint the town red," he told them.

"What about Tatum?" Cas asked.

Raz looked over at Tatum, who was trembling in his seat. "Kill him."

Tatum's eyes widened. But Cas shook his head as the man began pleading for his life.

"Death would be too good for him. I'll send him to the family with Uncle Patrick," Cas countered. "I'll tell them to leave this one for me. I'll call Bryce and tell him to hold up. We got one more."

"Sounds like a plan to me," Raz agreed as Rome began packing his stuff.