“Maybe,” Orazio replied. “But I’m not the weak one here. So, what’s your excuse?”
His dad let out a sarcastic chuckle. “I don’t have time for this shit. You’re making this more of an issue than it has to be,” his father stated. “If you keep this up, you’re going to ruin everything.”
More of an issue than it has to be? Did his father really not see how fucked up this situation was? Monique was in fucking danger! Orazio clenched his jaw, a muscle ticking in his cheek as he started to speak. But his father cut him off.
“I’d only planned to let Monique go missing for a while, just until we destroyed the Tatum family financially and framed Jacob Tatum for all the crimes my brother has been accused of.”
“Uncle? What new crimes has he been accused of? And why the hell would Jacob Tatum be framed for some shit Uncle did?” Orazio asked, confused. “What does he have to do with any of this?”
Don Cattaneo cocked his head to the side, a dangerous glint in his eyes. “You’re so eager to save your precious Monique, do you really care what your uncle has to do with this?”
Actually, he kind of didn’t. But he needed to know because his uncle was a hothead, and Bryceson was always cleaning up his mess. And now his uncle’s mess had gotten Monique involved. So, now, it was Orazio’s problem, too.
“Yeah, I want to know,” Raz replied.
“Do you really expect me to spill family secrets to a man who has a gun pointed at me?” the don sneered, his eyes narrowing as he looked down the barrel of Orazio’s weapon.
The tension in the air thickened, the standoff threatening to snap into chaos at any moment. But Orazio’s resolve held strong. He wouldn’t back down, not now.
“Maybe you should’ve thought about that before you put Monique in danger,” Orazio shot back.
The don’s phone rang again, slicing through the charged atmosphere. He pulled it from his pocket, glaring at the screen before answering with an irritated growl.
“What? Yes, I’ll be there soon. I’m on my fucking way!”
Orazio wondered how many other lives were currently hanging in the balance of his father and uncle’s schemes. Allhe wanted was to save Monique, but it seemed that the web of deceit and betrayal ran much deeper than he’d anticipated.
The don was fucking up in more ways than one. But the don would soon see that he wasn't as powerful as he thought he was.
“Leo, keep them here. Make sure they don’t leave. Cas either. I need to go check on Jacob Tatum,” the don ordered, shoving his phone into his pocket and fixing his security guard with a piercing stare. When Leo didn’t respond, the don’s impatience flared. “Did you hear me, Leo?”
As seconds ticked by, Orazio watched his father glare at Leo. This was the moment he'd been waiting for ever since his phone call with Monique. The game had changed, and now it was time to see where everyone’s loyalty truly lay.
“You mentioned family secrets,” Orazio mused, pulling his father's glare his way. “Well, maybe it’s time we started being honest with each other, don’t you think?”
“Keep quiet,” the don snarled, but there was a flicker of uncertainty in his eyes that Orazio seized upon.
“Or what? You’ll take someone else I care about?” Orazio challenged. He’d had enough of his father’s manipulations and threats.
“I’m done talking to you,” his dad told him. “We’ll discuss this further after I handle some business. Keep them here. Did you hear me, Leo?” the don demanded again.
“Sorry, Mr. Cattaneo,” Leo finally responded. “But I can’t do that.”
The don’s gaze narrowed with suspicion. “What did you say?”
“Forgive me, sir,” Leo stated. “But I cannot follow that order.” In one fluid motion, Leo pivoted, turning the gun on the don himself. This was the moment everything changed. This was the moment they took control.
“You traitorous bastard,” the don spat, rage twisting his features into a snarl. “Do you have any idea what you’re doing?”
“I’m doing what you hired me to do. I’m protecting the Cattaneo family, sir,” Leo replied, his voice calm, almost nonchalant. “The contract I signed states that my job is to protect the Cattaneo family, not just the don. You’re my boss. But it’s your family I serve. And right now, you’re the threat to your family, sir.”
“Fucking bastard,” the don scoffed, his laughter bitter and cold. “Who the hell do you think you are? I saved your sorry ass. Gave you a life. You’re nothing more than a pawn in a game you can’t even begin to understand.”
“Perhaps that’s what he is to you,” Orazio interjected. “But to me, he’s a friend. No, he’s more than that. He’s like family. And I think you’ll find that when it comes to family, we’re not so easily outmaneuvered and manipulated. And when it comes to us brothers, no one can turn us against each other, not even you, father.”
The don’s eyes flicked between Orazio, Rome, and Leo, searching for any hint of weakness or hesitation. But there was none.
“Is this a joke?” The don shook with fury, glaring first at Leo, then at his sons. “Answer me!”