“Are we laughing?” Orazio asked, his gaze never wavering from his father’s face as a storm of emotions swirled within him.
The don’s nostrils flared, his ego bruised by the betrayal. “You will all pay for this. I swear.”
“Such dramatics.” Orazio rolled his eyes. Gone were the days of bending to his father’s will. Now, he was taking control. His father had forced him to do this.
“Enough!” The don barked, trying to regain some semblance of authority. But it was too late – the tide had turned against him, and there was no going back.
“You’re right,” Orazio agreed. “We’ve had enough of this. Let’s not waste any more time, shall we?” Orazio said,addressing the room. “I have someone to save. Someone who is family to me. I’m done chitchatting.”
“You’re going to her?” The don asked. “Fuck Leo. I’m fine with letting his sorry ass go. But how can you go save a woman who stole from you? Son, she’s a thief. You can’t trust her.”
Orazio’s lips curled into a sly smile, his eyes locked on his father.
"How do you know Monique stole from me? You weren't here when she called?"
"I..." his dad started.
"You don't have to answer that," Raz interrupted. "I’m guessing it was you who came up with the idea of making it seem like Monique stole from me. You know I hate thieves. That would’ve been a solid plan if I didn’t trust her. Also, you should’ve chosen someone other than Leo to set the scheme up with Trevor. I’m guessing you told Leo to hand something over to Trevor as proof that Monique stole something so that I would fall for that lie. You should’ve been more specific. Because what he handed Trevor was the C459 file.”
The don’s glare turned to Leo. Leo kept staring at the don, expression not giving anything away.
Finally, the don sighed. “What the fuck is the C459 file?” he growled.
“It’s nothing,” Raz told him, watching his father’s eyes narrow in confusion. “It’s a corrupt file that will add a virus to the computer of anyone who tries to download it. Only my high-level guards, who I trust, know about it.”
The don clenched his fists, seething with rage as Orazio continued.
“More importantly, when someone is given that file, it’s a code for me and my brothers. A code to let us know that a member of our security team is being forced to do something against their will.”
As the words sunk in, Orazio could see the realization dawning in his father’s eyes.
"If that's true," The don started. "Trevor would've known something was up when he was given that file. He's been our consigliere for years."
"The file is something my brothers and I came up with, and only our men know about it. Trevor was onyourpayroll, Don Cattaneo, not mine. He wasn't one of my guys. I never trusted the bastard."
Don Cattaneo opened his mouth, then closed it. Raz continued explaining the situation to the don.
“459 is kind of like a code to let us know not to believe the lies. Room 459 is the room we put guests in when we think they’re up to something nefarious. Our security will pretend to treat those guests like VIPs while monitoring their every move. We even have a security code 459 for when one of our members is in a compromised position and needs assistance but needs us not to reveal their true identity.” Orazio leaned in closer, his voice growing deeper, darker. “So, when Monique told me she took the C459 file, I knew it had to be Leo who'd made sure Trevor got that particular file. I also knew he'd given him that file to let me know he hadn’t betrayed me. He’d betrayed you.”
Orazio smiled as his father released a torrent of expletives. Raz’s gaze met Leo’s. The guard nodded to him. Raz nodded back, thankful that his friend had chosen to side with him. He’d even taken a bullet in the process.
And to think, he’d planned to kill Leo until Monique said the magic word.C459. Which meant security compromised. Don’t believe the lies.Don Cattaneo was no longer calling the shots, and this was the angriest Raz had ever seen his father.
"You motherfucker," the don growled, fury contorting his face. The Don's hand moved towards his weapon, but the security team behind him was quicker.
Guns drawn, they barked a stern command. "Stand down!"
The don froze, his expression of shock almost comical. Raz couldn't deny that he was surprised at the guards also. They weren't his men. Were they Leo's? His father glared at the guards behind him, his face a twisted snarl of humiliation and hatred.
The tension in the room was intense, a live wire threatening to shock them all. He'd thought all the cats were out of the bag until Rome dropped another bombshell.
"Don't look so shocked, dad," Rome told the don. "Aren't you the one always telling us to keep loyal people by our side? You should be proud of me for heeding your advice. The nurse who called for security is also a part-time blackjack dealer from the casino," Rome revealed, surprising Orazio.
The don looked pissed off and ready to kill.
"Really?" Orazio asked, his eyes widening as he took in Rome's words. Raz hadn't recognized her. Then again, he didn't know all the casino's employees. Still, he should have known Rome hadn't come there without backup.
"Yep," Rome smirked, clearly enjoying the moment. "And the security team she went to find wasn't hospital staff. They were my people."