"Shhh," she told him just as a figure in black peeped around the corner.

That was not Tomas. Monique fired. Her mouth dropped open as a hole formed in the man's eye.

"I didn't miss," she exclaimed seconds before the body dropped to the ground.

Looking shocked, Raz stepped around her to stare down at her. "Are you okay?"

She nodded. "I didn't miss," she told him.

"I..." He glanced at the body in the hall. "I saw that." Facing her again, he asked, "Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'll get therapy later. I had to shoot him. He was here to kill us."

Raz nodded. "Yes, he was. But that's not what I'm asking you. Taking a life isn't easy. And you've taken two. Are you okay, Rosa?"

She swallowed. "If you keep talking about it, I won't be okay. If you don't want me to fall apart just yet, stop asking questions and start helping. We need to go help Leo and our guys."

"Our guys?" He frowned.

"Yeah. They... uh, they're mine too. They call me Lady Boss."

His eyes widened, and she could tell he was trying not to smile.

"Really? My guys... I mean,ourguys call you that?"

She nodded. "We can talk about that later. Grab the guns from the men we've killed. We'll need them."

Raz frowned. "So, you're in charge now, huh?"

"Raz! Grab the guns," she insisted, moving over to the couch to grab her phone.

Behind her, Raz said, "Yes, ma'am, Lady Boss."

The call had indeed been from Leo. She called him back, putting him on speakerphone.

"Monique, are you okay?" Leo asked.

"I am," she replied.

"How is Raz?"

She felt Raz step up behind her.

"I'm fine," Raz answered from over her shoulder. "Lady Boss is protecting me."

"Raz! I'm so fucking glad you're awake from your nap, boss," Leo told him.

"I wasn't napping. I was drugged. I should chop Rome's hands off, so he won't be able to make all these weird ass drugs."

"How did you know it was Rome who gave it to me?" Monique asked, noticing that he was placing all of the blame on his brother instead of on her.

"Where else would a prim and proper woman like you get drugs?"

Gun in hand, hair mused, dress ripped, she smiled up at him. "I am prim and proper, aren't I?" she bragged.

He chuckled. "You are. You're also my vicious little protector. You guarded me well, my Rosa. You're even a good shot. Let's get you a diamond-encrusted gun one day. It would suit you better,Lady Boss."

Monique beamed up at him. "Sounds good to me, Don Cattaneo."