Raz's gaze snapped to hers. "My guards betrayed me?"
"Yeah," she said, facing the door. "Some of them did."
"Tell me everything, Rosa. Start from the beginning."
Talking fast, she gave him a rundown of everything that had happened, including Frederico being with Tomas and them on their way to help.
"Leo said your father is here to take back his title." She stared over her shoulder at Raz. "He wants to capture me to use me against you."
Raz’s eyes darkened, his jaw clenching. “You should’ve escaped when you had the chance. Why didn’t you leave?”
Monique met his gaze. “And what would’ve happened to you?” she shot back.
"I'm not important. You are."
"You're important to me, Orazio."
He swallowed. "You drugged me."
"You're important to me. But you're also an asshole. So... yeah."
“If I'm important to you, you should listen to me. Give me the gun,” he demanded, holding out his hand. “I’ll be fine. You need to go hide.”
Monique rolled her eyes, frustration bubbling up. “Even at a time like this, you won’t let me in. You still want to do it all by yourself.”
Raz grimaced, confusion flickering in his dark eyes. “I want to protect you, Rosa. That’s all I’ve ever wanted.”
“Just love me, Raz. Love me, and let me help you.”
He swallowed hard. “I already love you.”
“Don’t love me with fear in your heart,” she pressed, her voice calm, but there was a tremor of vulnerability underneath. “Love me unconditionally, with no fear, no jealousy, no doubt. Just love and trust. That's how I love you.”
Raz’s throat bobbed as he swallowed again, his eyes searching hers as if trying to find the strength within himself to love without being paralyzed by the fear of her getting harmed.
“Can you love me that way?” Monique asked, her voice soft, almost a whisper now, but every word carried weight.
For a moment, the world seemed to still around them, the chaos outside the room fading into the background. Raz’s gaze held hers, and she could see the war raging within him, the struggle to let go, to trust, to love without holding back, withoutbeing scared of their enemies coming after her, without fearing his father would use her against him.
"All relationships have storms, Orazio."
"My storms are worse than others. My father is here to kill you," he reminded her.
"Yeah, and my father kidnapped me for money, and I’m keeping the truth of what really went down from my family. I understand what it’s like to shoulder a burden you didn’t create. We both know what it's like to deal with storms. I don't fear stormy weather. Not when it's you standing under the umbrella with me."
"Rosa," he whispered, his voice rough, tears swimming in his gaze. "I... I can...try to change...." he started.
Monique felt her heart squeeze in her chest. He was about to be on his same old BS, which was why she cut him off before he could finish.
"I need you to do better than that, Orazio Cattaneo. I'm worth more than atry."
He peered into her eyes. Moments ticked by. It felt like hours of him just staring at her.
"You're right. You're worth more than atry. You're worth my all." He paused. "I'm... I'm willing to trust in our love, and to trust in my ability to keep you safe. I already trust you to..."
Raz paused again as Monique's phone rang. Was it Leo or Tomas? She didn't have time to answer the call. She already heard footsteps heading their way. She raised her gun. It was a good thing she knew how Tomas looked. That would prevent her from mistakenly killing him.
"Give it to me," Raz whispered. "The gun. Pass it here."