"It seems luck is on our side," Raz stated before telling Leo to floor it.

They couldn't allow Frillman to leave the parking lot. Raz tapped his foot against the floorboard as Leo pulled into the parking lot of Motel 6.

"Frillman is walking over to a different car," Rome informed them. "Not the one he arrived in. I assume he came here to switch vehicles. He's heading to the trunk of the new car."

Weapons!Frillman had switched cars so he could weapon up.Smart. But Raz didn't give a fuck about his weapons. Frillman wasn't going to be alive much longer. Leo swerved around the corner, approaching the room Rome had directed them to.

There was that bitch!Raz clenched his jaw, angry that his hands weren't already around Frillman's neck. Their headlightsshined on Frillman and two of his guards. Frillman shielded his eyes as Leo slowed down.

Raz hopped out before the vehicle could come to a complete stop. Frillman lowered his hand. The bitch's eyes widened, looking like he'd seen a ghost when he caught sight of Raz stalking over to him.

"He's not with us. Shoot him," Frillman yelled.

Raz raced toward Frillman as two shots rang out. Frillman's guards dropped. Raz didn't bother to look back to see who on his team had fired. Right now, all he could see was Frillman, who was trying to race back to the motel room he'd exited.

The door to the motel room opened from the inside. Frillman rushed into the room and tried to close the door behind him. Lowering his shoulder, Raz rammed into the door before Frillman could shut it, forcing it open and knocking Frillman to the floor.

Frillman turned over onto his back and tried to scoot away from Raz.I've got your bitch ass now!Raz rushed toward Frillman, ready to choke the life out of that bastard with his bare hands.

A shot was fired from someone in the room.Shit.In his blind rage, he'd ignored the others in the room. Pain radiated up his side.Fuck!A bullet wasn't about to stop Orazio Cattaneo from ending Frillman's life tonight.

Though his side stung, it felt like the bullet had just grazed him. He'd been shot before. This didn't feel like that. Even if it was, that didn't stop him from grabbing Frillman by the collar of his suit and lifting his ass up, using him as a shield.

When the guard fired again, the bullet struck Frillman in the shoulder, forcing a cry of agony from the bitch. Raz looked up at the guard, who was staring at his boss in shock, unsure of what to do next.

"Sorry, boss," the guard called out, voice shaking.

"Kill him, you idiot!" Frillman roared.

The man raised his weapon, training it on Raz again as Frillman tried to escape Raz's grasp. Orazio raced forward, pushing Frillman with him, ducking and using the board member as his bulletproof vest.

"I can't get a clean shot, boss," the guard whined, sounding like a child instead of a grown-ass man.

The guard leaned left. Raz moved Frillman left, peeping around the board member’s neck to see the guard. The man was waving the gun from side to side, trying to get off a shot. Raz was moving Frillman in the same direction the guard waved his weapon.

"Get off me," Frillman roared, spit hitting the side of Raz’s face.

Raz headbutted the bitch but didn’t release him. Raz continued pushing Frillman forward, backing the guard into a corner of the dingy room. He then shoved Frillman at the guard. The collision forced the guard to drop his weapon. The gun clattered to the floor.

Without hesitation, Raz lunged for it, snatching it up and scanning the room for other shooters. He spotted one in the corner, hands raised in surrender. The man's eyes were wide, darting between Raz, Frillman, and the downed guard.

"Shoot him!" the guard yelled, struggling to help Frillman up.

The man shook his head, not even reaching for his gun that lay on a nearby table.

"I know who you are," the would-be shooter said, hands still raised. "I just push coke and supply weapons. I'm not trying to have beef with the Cattaneos."

"Problem is," Raz replied coldly. "You know that the Cattaneos were here. Knowledge is power."

Raz fired, splattering the man's brains on the far wall. He couldn't let anyone have that kind of power. He turned to face Frillman and the other guard.

"I..." the guard started, but a bullet to the face silenced him.

There wasn't shit that guard could say to him. He was here for Frillman. Blood splattered onto Frillman, who sputtered and tried to get away from the dead body. Outside, the sound of cars screeching to a halt reached Raz's ears, followed by shots ringing out in the parking lot.

He didn't look back. He trusted his brothers and Leo to handle the situation. Now, Frillman had his undivided attention. Raz's eyes narrowed as he stalked toward Frillman, who had scooted up against the wall. Raz's lips curled into a sinister grin.

"You’re one ungrateful son of a bitch, aren’t you? I let you live," Raz snarled, his voice low and menacing. "I let you leave that room alive."