“If I...” Cas started, then paused.

Raz waited for his brother to continue. When Cas didn’t, Raz asked, “What? What’s up? What were you about to say?”

“If...” Cas paused again.

“Just spit it out. You normally say whatever is on your mind anyway. What’s up?”

“If I did what you did, and Monique got mad at me for doing it. Would you be upset?”

Raz didn’t have to ask what he was referring to. He already knew. Cas was considering kidnapping Meka and wondering if Raz would be against it. Yeah, he would be upset, but only because Monique would be mad about it. No sane man would agree to anything that would upset his woman. However, Raz wasn’t sane one hundred percent of the time.

“I know you wouldn’t hurt Meka. So, if you took her on a short vacation to woo her, I’d pretend I was mad in front of Monique. I’d pretend to do everything I could to get you back. I’d curse you out on the phone. But in reality, I’d be rooting for you. And as long as you win her heart and don’t mistreat her, Monique shouldn’t hate you too much when you return with her friend.”

“I’m not saying I would do that. I’m just speaking hypothetically. I’m not into that kidnapping shit like you and Bryce.”

“Riiight!” Raz drawled as he merged onto the exit that would take him to the restaurant. A few minutes later, Luxe Bistro Royale loomed in front of them. “You sure you’re okay with seeing them?” Raz asked as he slowed the car to a crawl outside Luxe Bistro Royale.

“Seeing who?”

"The Tatums. It could just be Mr. Tatum present. But there’s a chance his wife and daughter are here also.”

Cas was quiet for a while. Finally, he asked, “If Mr. Tatum says some stupid shit, I can kill him, right?”

“On sight,” Raz told him.

Cas nodded. “Then yeah, I’m okay with seeing them.” Cas’s phone chimed. He checked the message and told Raz, “Rome, Bryce, and Leo are in the parking lot.”

“Good,” Raz muttered as he drove around the parking lot. His eyes narrowed, searching for any sign of his crew.

“Over there,” Cas announced, pointing to the vehicles parked near some trees on the back side of the restaurant.

As they pulled up beside them, the tension in Raz’s muscles tightened, preparing for the confrontation ahead. Once they entered the restaurant, there would be no going back.

“Let’s not waste any more time,” Raz ordered after parking. He and Cas stepped out of the car. Raz noticed Cas was no longer limping as they approached Rome, Bryce, and Leo.

“Everything in place?” Raz asked Rome.

Rome nodded, lifting the hood of his trunk to reveal enough weapons to level the entire building. Raz looked over his shoulder at Bryce.

“Things could go south fast,” Raz told his cousin. “Your father...”

“Will get what he deserves,” Bryce told him. “He stopped being my father a long time ago.”

“Will your mom hate us when this is over?” Raz asked.

“My mom acts like you all are her sons half the time, so no. Plus, with as much as he cheats on my mother, I’m sure she won’t miss him if he... disappears. Hell, I’m surprised she hasn’t offed him yet.”

“Yeah, but he’s still your father,” Raz pointed out.

“He left me for dead once, Raz. I won’t even get into the shit he just did with the Farrina family that pissed me the fuck off. Trust me, I’m okay with whatever his fate ends up being. Plus, it’s time for me to start my own family. A family I need to protect from Patrick Cattaneo.”

Raz could understand that logic. Sometimes, you had to protect the family you cherished from the family who didn’t cherish you.

With a nod, Raz said, “Load up. Silencers on.”

Raz reached for a Glock, fingers curling around the cold weapon as he attached a silencer. Cas followed suit. Once everyone was ready, they made their way toward the restaurant’s entrance.

As they walked, Raz’s mind raced with possibilities, ways things could go bad, and shit they needed to be on the lookout for. He was sure the Tatums had cameras everywhere and had already seen them approaching, so the element of surprise was out.