“By the way,” Rome said from his left. “Once I was within range of their Wi-Fi, I hacked into their cameras. Their web security sucks. Their cams will be playing on a loop for the next hour. So, no one knows we’re coming.”
Raz clapped his brother on the shoulder. “You think of everything, brother. That’s precisely why the DeLucas tried to keep you in Italy for such a long time.”
“That isn’t the reason I stayed for so long,” Rome muttered.
“What was the reason?”
Rome chuckled but remained silent. There was something his brother wasn’t telling him. Was there a woman waiting for Rome in Italy? Raz would find out, just not now. Raz faced forward.
It was time to confront the truth, no matter how ugly or dangerous it might be. As they neared the entrance, his gazeflicked over the two men standing next to a red car. Staff from his hotel security team were in place.
He exchanged a brief nod with his undercover security officers before leading his crew through the restaurant’s entrance. They approached the podium, where a dark-haired young man stood smiling. The man appeared to be in his early twenties. His smile wavered as he took in Raz and his crew.
“R-Reservation?” the host stuttered.
Raz scanned the nearly empty room, noting the four shady-looking characters sitting at tables. Two were seated on the left side of the restaurant and two on the right. None of them were real customers. There was no food or drinks on their tables.
Plus, their whole vibe screamed that they were guards. All of them being dressed in black didn’t help them blend in at all. And the one with the scar across his cheek looked ready for action. Raz returned his focus to the nervous host.
“I’m here for a meeting,” Raz said curtly.
“Did you reserve a room, sir?” the host managed, his fingers fidgeting with the pen in his hand. “If you didn’t, I’ll have to ask you to leave and...”
“Listen,” Raz growled, his patience wearing thin. “If you don’t tell me what room Patrick Cattaneo is in, I’ll put a bullet in your head.”
The color drained from the host’s face as he swallowed hard, his gaze darting to the left. Raz followed his line of sight, taking in the closed door to one of the private dining rooms.
“You just saved your own life,” Raz told the host before motioning for his team to follow him. They hadn’t even taken one step forward when one of the men at the tables stood up, his eyes narrowing at Raz and his crew.
“Nice of you to join us. You must be Orazio Cattaneo,” the man with the scar on his cheek sneered, his hand hovering near his waistband.
They didn’t have time for this shit.
“You should have a seat before I sit you down,” Raz warned.
The guard smiled, then stepped away from the table, his intention clear. This man was here to keep them from going to the back room. Raz didn’t have the time or patience for a confrontation. With quickness no one expected, Raz pulled his weapon and fired.Headshot.
The silencer muffled the sound but not the impact. The guard stuttered back, shock painted across his face, before collapsing onto the seat he’d just vacated, knocking it over and hitting the ground hard.
The server cried out as the three other men seated around the restaurant stood up, reaching for their weapons. They were too slow. Shots rang out as the crew behind him sat those men back down. No one had told their bitch asses to stand up in the first place.
Raz stepped closer to the trembling host and told him, “Now, are you ready to escort me to the room Patrick Cattaneo is in? Or do we need to kill more people?”
The server nodded and stuttered, “R-right this way, sir.”
Raz and his crew followed the young man. They hadn’t even entered the meeting room yet, and already they’d had to drop some bodies. Raz had a feeling this was just the beginning of the bloodshed.
Chapter Thirteen
Orazio Cattaneo's eyes narrowed as he followed the nervous host down the dimly lit hallway. Nearing the door, Orazio couldn't shake his suspicion that something wasn't right. The host was wringing his hands together and looking nervous as hell.
It could be because he'd just witnessed four men get killed. Or it could be because there was another trap lying in wait for them, and the host didn't want to get caught in the crossfire. When they reached the door, Orazio held up his hand, signaling for his crew to stop. They froze in place, awaiting his order.
The host stepped to the side and gestured to the door, letting him know it was the correct one. Just because this was the right door didn't mean it was safe for them to enter. Orazio sent a murderous glare at the host, who could only hold his gaze for a few seconds before looking away. Hell no, Orazio wasn't just about to waltz in there like a fool.