“They’re going to deal with me today. The future Don. See you soon.”
Raz ended the call just as Cas looked his way.
“Rome wants to know how many weapons he should bring,” Cas asked.
“All of them,” Raz ordered, growing more frustrated with each second that passed.
“As many as you can,” Cas said into his phone.
“Tell Rome to hurry,” Raz said, then relayed the message Bryce had just given him. “I’m thinking uncle is going to try to get the Board to vote him in as president since father can’t be reached. We need to get there as fast as we can.”
Cas stared out the window. “Traffic is heavy our way. By the time we get there, those bitches could’ve already voted.”
“The vote won’t count,” Raz stated as he peered out the window into the night.
A dozen thoughts were racing through his mind as Cas continued talking to Rome. Raz couldn’t seem to focus on one thing. His thoughts drifted from Monique to his uncle Patrick’s sneaky ass. Back to Monique. Then to the fucking Tatums and their schemes. Monique again. Then on to his father’s manipulative ass. Then, once again, back to Monique.Raz sighed.
Because of these bitches, he’d been forced to leave Monique’s side while she was in pain. Would she think he’d abandoned her if she awakened and found him gone?Fuck. Eyes on the road, jaw clenched, Raz told himself to calm down.
“Hey!” Cas called out. “Slow down. Let’s not wreck and end up in the hospital again.”
Raz eased up on the gas. Another wreck would only help his uncle’s agenda, and that was the last thing Raz wanted to do. The stakes were already high. There was no room for errors.
“Rome said he could be at the restaurant in no time. He’s taking the back roads. He’s ordered some of his men to bestationed outside Monique, Meka, and Toya’s rooms. Two each.” Cas relayed the information to Raz.
Good. Raz could rest a little easier on that front. He still wouldn’t be able to relax completely until he was the one watching over her, protecting her. That was his job, and he didn’t like handing it off to others.
Even those he trusted. But as don, he’d have to do that a lot, place the woman he loved in the care of others while he handled business. His father’s wife spent more time with her guard than she did with his father.
Her guard was the one who accompanied her on shopping sprees or when she wanted to go on a vacation, which was rare because his father had so many enemies. But even when she was just shut up in the house, her guard was still by her side, protecting her in place of his father.
Which was why when rumors popped up that she was fucking her guard, Raz had believed them. Apparently, his father had believed them also because he’d killed that guard and replaced him with another one.
She’d probably just end up fucking this new one soon. Replacing the guard didn’t solve the root of the problem. Was that a problem Raz and Monique would face one day, too? Raz shook his head to clear it.
No. That wouldn’t happen to him and Monique. No matter how busy he was, he’d make sure she came first.Always!The main reason he was doing all of this was because of her, to protect her and their future.
“Rome says he has a shitload of weapons, just in case things get heated.”
Raz nodded. A shitload sounded like a good amount.
“Rome wants to know if you checked on dad before leaving the hospital.”
“Shit,” Raz muttered, slamming his hand against the steering wheel.
No wonder he still had an uneasy feeling. He’d forgotten to check on his father. He’d planned to see for himself that his old man was securely detained and under their protection. But then Bryce had called, and they’d rushed out to stop their uncle’s meeting.
Fuck!He couldn’t afford any mistakes, not when Uncle Patrick was hellbent on taking over as don. Yet, he’d forgotten one of the most important tasks.
“Tell Rome to send extra guards to watch over dad,” Raz ordered, his voice strained. “Just in case.”
Cas nodded, quickly relaying the message over the phone.
“Rome’s sending more guards for dad. He also says we’re running out of men to send places. Men who are loyal to us, not dad.”
“That sounds about right,” Raz muttered, eyes fixed on the road ahead, jaw clenched.
Most of their men were their father’s men also. Over the years, they’d put their own men into positions. Yet, they didn’t have more than their father. Probably not more than their uncle, either. There was no telling who Uncle Patrick had made deals with over the years.