He was a wildcard. And the only way to stay ahead of a wildcard was to get rid of it.Get rid of it? Fuck!That wasn’t something he wanted to say about a family member. Yet, that was what this situation required.
If Patrick wasn’t his uncle, he’d been gotten rid of years ago. Even so, the man was still Bryceson’s father, still Raz’s uncle, still family. Raz clenched the wheel tighter. The weight on his shoulders grew heavier with every passing second, but there was no turning back now.
This wasn’t the route they’d wanted to take. This path had been chosen for them. They’d been forced to walk this road, whether they liked it or not. They had to be careful on this road. It was paved with traps set up by their enemies.
Which was why the whole not checking on his dad before leaving the hospital had him feeling uneasy. So was not knowing how many people his uncle had on his side. Pulling out his phone, Raz scrolled until he found the number to his casino’s security team. One of his security managers, Reggie, answered the call.
“Reggie, this is Orazio. I need a security detail surrounding Luxe Bistro Royale within ten minutes. Level five. Plain clothes. Hiding in plain sight.”
“Understood, boss,” Reggie answered without hesitation. “I’ll send a team out. You good, boss?”
“For now.”
“Do we need to shut the casino down and issue an alert to other branches?”
“Business as usual for now,” Raz told him. “No alerts. But be ready for anything.”
“Got it,” Reggie replied before ending the call.
Sliding his phone back into his pocket, Raz slowed down as a car swerved into his lane.Shit.Why was there so much fucking traffic?
“Should I shoot everyone’s tires out so we can get there faster?” Cas asked.
“I wish,” Raz drawled as the car that had just swerved in front of him proceeded to continue forward at a snail’s pace. “Why the fuck did he get in the fast lane if he was going to drive this fucking slow?” Raz yelled, anger rising.
“Calm down,” Cas told him. “Save that rage for the bitches in this meeting. Do you think all the business heads showed up?”
“I don’t know. But those who did are now on my shit list. Showing up here means they’re willing to go against dad. Even though I’m pissed off at the man, them going against him is still strike one to me. Then they’re showing up to a secret meeting without trying to contact any of the don’s sons. That means they’re sneaky and willing to go behind our backs for personal gain. That’s strike two. When I get to this meeting, I’ll decide whether they get a strike three or not.”
“What happens at strike three?” Cas asked.
“Blood will be shed.” Raz looked over at his brother to find Cas smiling. “What?” Raz asked.
“Nothing,” Cas shrugged. “I’m just listening to Don Cattaneo lay down the law.”
Raz chuckled, facing the road as they approached a red light.
“You sure you don’t want to be the don?” Raz asked his brother.
“Fuck no. Just let me run the casino. Maybe get married. Have a few babies. Let them run around the casino floor and flip cards over on the Blackjack Table. Let them terrorize security and shit.”
Raz chuckled. “Your kids can’t be on the gaming floor.”
“It’s their casino. They can run wherever the fuck they want.”
“And will the mother of these wild-ass kids be a certain friend of my lady?”
Cas went silent, staring out the window. “I’m just talking shit. Can you see me married with kids?”
“Yes,” Raz told him. “And I could see me being the overprotective uncle of those kids. The one who dares security to say shit when they little asses are destroying the tables.”
Raz nodded.
Cas chuckled. “I’d probably be a good dad. I mean, I am good at everything I do.”
Raz shook his head as the light changed. Pressing on the gas, he sped forward, then switched lanes to get around the car that was slowing him down.