Page 30 of Restrained

She shakes her head from side to side. “No. We’re still taking it slow.”

It didn’t seem too slow when they were going at it on my couch, but I don’t disagree as we sit there in a comfortable silence for a minute.

“Why the questions about losing control?”

My mind immediately goes to Hayden. “I’ve never allowed myself to do that. Everything has always been according to plan.”

“I highly recommend letting your hair down and just going after what you want in the moment.” She laughs softly. “Just make sure you have some sort of protection.”

I laugh at that and my eyes drift toward the hallway leading to Sebastian’s room. “It worked out for you.”

“Absolutely.” She smiles with pride, and I lean my head on her shoulder.

Maybe I’ll take her advice though and finally let loose.



“You’re kidding, right?” I straighten my back and try my best to remain professional as the red chairs for the hotel bedrooms are delivered and Gretchen stands with one hand on her hip with her judgmental bitchy face staring at Hayden.

“Do I ever kid?”

Hayden’s voice is stern, and I fight a smile when Gretchen’s mouth turns from scowl to pout.

“It’s too bold, Hayden. It will turn guests off.”

“It’s fucking red. A dark, classic red.” Hayden’s eyes don’t meet mine, instead they stay on Gretchen. “It was a good call. Otherwise the rooms would be all gloom and doom.”

I feel a sense of pride but don’t say a word, which is not my style as Gretchen huffs and brushes by me, her shoulder making quick contact with mine as she throws her hissy fit.

Hayden and I are left alone in one of the suites. His eyes stay trained on the red chair in the corner.

“Do you actually like it?” I move to stand next to him, enjoying his expensive cologne far too much. “Or do you just like riling Gretchen up?”

He turns to face me, his lips pulled in the slightest grin. “Both.”

I smile. It’s been two weeks since our candid discussion in this same hotel, and we’ve both been all business since. Although, we haven’t spent much time alone. Most of our conversations have been through emails.

“It looks good.”

“The rooms are nearly complete.”

He nods approvingly. “Restaurants are next.”

“I’m ready.”

He smiles and my eyes subconsciously move to the scar on his hand I can’t stop thinking about.

“Lola.” His voice is deep and commanding as my eyes lift.


“I’d like to take you somewhere tonight. Are you free?”

I think my brain just short circuited, and I can’t seem to form words. Free? Is he asking me out? Like on a date? God, I'm so awkward.

“It’s for business reasons. I promise.”