Page 9 of Always

We all have bad days. Sending hugs! Easy does it. You got this!

That pink is fabulous! Pink power!

Girl power!

Don’t let life drag you down! You rock, Skye!

Gorgeous color! You’re still beautiful!

What happened? Sending lots of love.

That color rocks on you. You should be a hand model.

Don’t let the bastards get you down!

I’m tempted to call her.


Maybe text her. Tell her the posts are awesome.


I’ve got to be strong. She needs time to figure herself out.

Perhaps I need time as well.

I take another sip of my drink as someone sits down next to me.

“Hi there.”

I turn to see a blond woman smiling at me. Her eyes are a mesmerizing sea-green color, and she has a playful sparkle in them. She’s not really my type.

My type is Kansas farm girl with control issues.

“You’re hitting the sauce early,” she says.

“It’s five o’clock somewhere,” I reply.

She smiles. “In that case, can I get you another?”

“Thanks, but no.” I shoot the rest and signal the bartender for my bill.

“My name’s Sally,” she says.

I nod.

“Uh…that’s your cue to give me your name.”


Her eyes go wide. “I thought you looked familiar. You’re Braden Black!”

“I am. I’m also leaving.”

“Don’t run from me,” she says playfully.

“I’m not running from you.”