“Well, you’re definitely running from something…or someone.”
Damn. Am I that obvious?
She doesn’t press for more information.
Instead, “I’ll have what he’s having,” she says to the bartender.
“Put it on my tab,” I say, “but I’m still leaving.”
She grabs my hand.
Not so much as a spark, not that I expected there to be.
“Please don’t go,” she says. “You look like you could use a friend.”
Right. I know what kind of friend she’s looking for. The kind with billions of dollars in the bank. I’m not biting.
“Thanks, but no thanks.” I walk toward the door.
Only to run into my brother.
“Figured I might find you here,” Ben says.
“There’s a live one at the bar,” I tell him. “Tell her you need a friend.”
He looks over at Sally. “Damn, dude. She’s hot. Too bad you’re taken. I, however, am decidedly not.”
“Neither am I,” I say dryly.
Ben meets my gaze. “Sothat’swhat’s going on.”
Chapter Four
An hour later, I’m at the Union Oyster House with Ben. We’re at my usual table in the back. I didn’t want to sit at the oyster bar with the shuckers. They like to talk, and I’m not in the mood for their joviality.
“You owe me,” he says. “I could’ve had that blond beauty on a platter tonight.”
“I’m sure you still can. She’s just your type. Classic gold digger. Just head back to the bar.”
“When my big brother needs me? I think not.” He peruses the menu.
Which is ridiculous, as we come here all the time and know that damned thing by heart.
“You think not? Since when do you talk like that?”
He sets the menu down. “Since you walked out of a high-profile meeting without an explanation, Bray. What gives? What happened with Skye? And since when do you let a woman affect work?”
I lean back in my chair, considering how much to tell him. I haven’t exactly been forthcoming about Skye. Ben knows my sexual proclivities. He’s a member of my New York club, Black Rose Underground. But we don’t talk about it. Our private lives are private.
So how do I tell him what Skye asked me to do?
He knows why I can’t do it. He knows about my past with Addie. After all, it led to the seed money for our first business.
In a way, without Addie and our fucked-up past, I wouldn’t be where I am today.
“You going to answer me anytime soon?” Ben asks.
“I think I’m going to tell you to fuck off.”