He pulled his hips back and looked down at her face shining pale in the moonlight. Her eyes were closed, nostrils flared as she sucked air into her lungs through her nose. She had surrendered to his need, showing no signs of resistance. He almost felt bad for taking advantage of her generosity and thrusting into her throat again and again. Dear God, he’d found utopia.

When she couldn’t take anymore, her hand tightened around his shaft, and he groaned as his release caught him by surprise. She jerked back, her eyes opening wide as his cum wet the side of her mouth. Her eyes met his as she opened her mouth wide, stroking his length to accept his load as promised. The pleasure of his release was so intense, he had to struggle to keep his eyes open, but he doubted he’d ever witness anything more sexually gratifying in his life than Roux’s wondrous mouth filling with his cum.

And then she swallowed.

“Fuck,” he growled, bending to grab her by both arms and lift her out of the water. He pressed her length against his, her wet body cool against his heated chest as he wrapped one arm tightly around her back. He cradled the back of her head with his free hand, pressing her face against the rapid pulse in his throat. He was completely overcome with emotion—breaths coming in harsh rasps, eyes watery with tears—over a fucking blow job. What the hell was wrong with him?

“Did I do it right?” she asked, her tone uncertain.

He couldn’t help but laugh. “You were perfect. Are perfect.” I love you, sweetheart. You have no idea how much. He wished he had the guts to tell her now, but revealing the depth of his feelings would have to wait until after the tour ended and they were free to be together without reservation. But even if he couldn’t tell her, he could show her.

“It’s time to find the nearest bed,” he said.

“It’s a little early to go to sleep,” she said. “But it has been a long day.”

“You won’t be sleeping.” He slid a hand down to cup her supple ass. “You’ll be too busy coming to sleep.”

“Sounds great,” she said, “but can we eat first? That protein Slurpee reminded me that we haven’t had dinner.”

He chuckled and squeezed her butt. “Priorities, Red. The only thing I want to eat right now is you.”


Roux snuggled closer to the warm body beside her. A smile formed on her lips before she even opened her eyes. The sunshine streaming across her face made her eyelids glow red-orange, but she wasn’t ready for last night to end. Not yet. She was almost convinced it had been a dream—a very erotic wet dream that had no place in reality. She shifted her hips and could still feel him inside her. Her skin was still sticky with a mixture of their sweat and saliva and cum, and as much as she wanted to lie beside him wasting the day away, she needed a shower. She usually took one right after sex, but after Steve had finished with her, she’d been too exhausted and satisfied to even consider anything more involved than a quick pee and a wash in the sink.

Steve shifted beside her, and her smile widened as his lips brushed her jaw. “I was dreaming about you,” he murmured. He kissed her chin before nibbling his way toward her ear.

A shiver of excitement raced through her. Her body already knew what was to come and was eagerly onboard for Steve’s next adventure.

“A good dream, I hope,” she said, stroking the smooth skin of his back.

He shifted her body beneath his and settled between her legs. She gasped when the hard length of his cock pressed against her tender pussy. She was going to be so sore after this weekend. She’d probably need those three months apart to recover. Her arms tightened around him, heart aching at the thought of their separation. She could only imagine how hard it was going to be to see him every day but keep her distance.

“That is not a rabbit in my pocket,” he said. “Or driftwood. I’m really happy to see you.”

She giggled. “I’m happy to see you too.”

“Are you too sore?” he asked, his thoughtfulness touching her. She never expected him to be that way and had almost convinced herself that he did treat her special. She couldn’t ask him if he was this considerate of every woman. “If you are, I can just jerk one out on your tits.”

Now that was something she’d expect of him. “I am a little tender,” she admitted. “But I still want you to fuck me gently before you jerk off on my tits.”

He groaned, shifting his hips to press his cock more firmly against her. “You are my favorite person, Red.”

She never thought she’d say it and mean it but she said, “You’re my favorite person as well, Aimes.”

His breath caught, and he lifted onto his elbows. She could feel his gaze on her, so she forced her eyes open, blinking in the bright daylight until his tousled gorgeousness came into sharp focus. She’d never seen him with beard growth before. It made him even sexier, if that was possible. What she wouldn’t give to wake up to this glorious vision every morning.

He held her gaze and licked his lips, as if struggling to find words. After a long moment he shook his head and murmured, “Still too soon,” before leaning in for a deep kiss.

By the time he pulled away, Roux’s heart was aching. She’d never been kissed by anyone the way Steve kissed her. There was something deeper than passion between them. It was as if her heart, body, and soul had found all their missing pieces in one naughty, raunchy, notoriously bad-boy womanizer. Her head was the only part of her that found the idea preposterous.

She sighed as he began to kiss and suckle his way down her chest. The roughness of his beard stubble added a new layer of sensation to the mix. She groaned in protest when he shifted his cock away from her body so he could suck her nipples.

“You do want some dick this morning, don’t you?” he teased.

“Only yours,” she protested. It wasn’t as if she woke up each morning craving whatever dick was unoccupied at the moment.

“Happy to hear that.” He licked her nipple. “But you’re going to have to wait until I’ve tasted your cum first.”

She cringed. It wasn’t that she didn’t want his mouth on her, but she wasn’t exactly sanitary down there this morning. “Maybe I should shower first.”

“I prefer my morning pussy dirty,” he said, slapping her ass.

She tried not to think about how much dirty morning pussy the man had enjoyed in his lifetime as he nibbled his way down her belly.

He didn’t stop until he reached the juncture of her thighs. He inhaled deeply through his nose. “Your scent drives me crazy.”

Probably because he had to hold his breath and no oxygen was getting to his brain, but all traces of her mortification vanished when his mouth began to work its magic on her clit and lips. He’d been phenomenal at exciting her from the start, but somehow he became even better each time they touched. He was learning her body. She’d never had a man care enough about her needs to work so hard at pleasing her.

His tongue teased her clit so gently, she could scarcely feel it. The light touch drove her absolutely crazy, and just when her hips began to writhe with unfulfilled need, he changed tactics, sucking hard and flicking her clit with the tip of his tongue. The instant her body tensed as climax approached, he returned to his crazy-making feather-soft teasing. Each round took her higher, brought her close to orgasm more quickly, until she was calling out to God and her entire body was quaking. Steve finally gave her what she wante

d, sucking her clit to orgasm, and while she was shaking with blessed release, shifted his tongue to her opening—thrusting and swirling it inside her as she clung to his hair with both fists and arched toward the ceiling.

When his tongue slid over her asshole, she nearly catapulted clean off the bed, her heart thudding wildly in her chest.

“What was— Why did— I was not prepared for that!” she squeaked.

He rose on his elbows and grinned in a way that made her think she was sleeping with the devil himself. “Someone needs a little ass loving.”

Her jaw dropped, and her already rapid pulse surged to new heights. “I know you’re not talking about me.”

His grin widened. “I am.”

He grabbed her hips and flipped her onto her stomach. She lifted up on her knees and tried to scramble away, but his warm wet tongue brushed her asshole, and it was as if she was completely paralyzed. She couldn’t move except for the quivering in the muscle his tongue was massaging.

Oh God. Her eyes rolled, and her jaw went slack. Why the fuck did that feel so good?

“So dirty,” she murmured.

His tongue breached her ass for a scant second, and her body went rigid. He sank his teeth into her butt cheek before rising to kneel behind her. She moaned as he filled her hot center with thick, hard dick. And she did want some dick this morning. She wanted a lot of dick, to be honest. And Steve had a lot of it to give.

His thrusts were almost brutal, and it turned her on that his control had slipped. He was still with it enough to reach around and rub her clit with his hand, the ridges and valleys of his stiff fingers stimulating.

“Am I hurting you, sweetheart?” he asked, though his thrusts didn’t gentle.

“I’m a little sore,” she admitted, but she liked that she felt their previous times together with each new penetration.