“To the top of Mount Everest?”

“If that’s what you desire.”

She pressed a kiss to his neck. “This is all I desire. I was so jealous of Azura that night.”

“She puked in a bucket. Nothing to be jealous of there.”

Roux chuckled. “That’s true. She just realized yesterday that you were not a figment of her imagination and were present for her total disgrace. She was mortified.”

“I’ll have to tease her mercilessly the next time I see her,” he said.

“Only fair.”

He refused to let Roux know he was winded by the time they reached the top of the stairs. She wasn’t heavy; the stairs were especially steep. “I’ll have to set you down to open the door.”

“Kiss me first. I want this fantasy to be complete.”

He loved that she’d fantasized about him and wondered if she’d like to know how much he’d fantasized about her over the past two weeks or if she’d think his infatuation was creepy and a little desperate. He kissed her deeply, lips caressing hers, tongue seeking her taste. By the time they parted and he set her on her feet, he was breathing hard for an entirely different reason than carrying an adult woman up a flight of stairs. She watched him fumble with the lockbox that held the key, though he wasn’t sure why Dare kept the place locked. It was highly unlikely that anyone would rob the place. Then again, fans and paparazzi had been known to do some bizarre things to get close to the members of his band.

“Would you be totally scandalized if I spent the entire weekend in my underwear?” Roux asked. “This breeze feels fantastic.”

“If I have anything to say in the matter, you’ll be overdressed in your underwear.”

She glanced over her shoulder and caught her first sight of the ocean view. She gasped and raced to the railing to peer out at the water. A half-moon rose over the inky, shiny surface of the choppy ocean. Waves lapped at the shore along the pristine sand of the beach, which was peppered with large coconut trees and some sort of flowering shrub that perfumed the entire area.

“Oh!” she said, hopping up and down at the railing. “It’s gorgeous. Can we swim? Or are there sharks out there?”

“We can swim. The sharks stay farther out, around the reef.”

“There’s a reef? You didn’t mention a reef.”

He would have if he’d known she’d be so excited about it.

“It’s fairly small. Nothing like the Great Barrier Reef. You’ll probably be disappointed.” He finally fished the key out of the lockbox, but instead of unlocking the door, he pocketed the key and joined her at the railing.

“Have you actually been to the Great Barrier Reef?”

Her wide eyes caught the reflection of the moon, and he wouldn’t have been able to keep his hands off her even if she were covered in pig shit and thorns.

“I have.” He wrapped both arms around her and drew her heat close, rubbing her back as he wished for more light so he could examine her face without shadows. “Would you like to go snorkeling there?”

“It’s always been a dream of mine.” She grinned and shook her head. “I have so many dreams and so little means.”

“I’ve got the means, and I’d love to share your dreams, if you’ll let me.”

She lifted her hands to her face and pressed her fingers against her cheeks. “Are you trying to spoil me, Aimes?”

Nothing would make him happier. “You deserve to be spoiled. You’re wonderful.” I love you already. He swallowed as the sentiment ricocheted through his thoughts. She really would think he was creepy and stalkerish if he started blurting out love confessions this soon, so he savored the knowledge in his heart, allowing his affection to grow with each passing second.

“Being with you makes me happy.” She wrapped her arms around him and pressed her face against his chest, snuggling into him. He cradled the back of her head and pressed her closer. He had so many things he wanted to say but could only muster one breathless word.


He’d fallen, and he hoped he never got up.

He held her for a long moment, too absorbed in the feel of her against him to even watch the waves or count the stars that glittered overhead.

“I do think we’re overdressed for this,” she murmured.

He didn’t need to be told twice. He peeled her shirt off over her head, and she helped him out of his. Both landed somewhere on the deck. He unhooked her bra, and she yanked it off before pressing up against him again. The warmth of her skin against his, the softness of her breasts, and the smooth texture of her back as he caressed her slowly made him crave more, yet he was in no hurry. They had all weekend, and after the European leg of the tour, they had a lifetime to get to know each other.

Her hands began to explore his back, and her lips caressed his chest with soft kisses. That, together with the onshore breeze, gave him goose bumps. A shiver raced down his spine.

“Have you ever been skinny-dipping?” he whispered into her ear.

“Yes,” she said, and a pang of jealousy twisted his heart. He wished he could share every unique life experience with her, but that was just stupid. “But never in the ocean,” she continued, kissing her way up to his neck. He shivered again as she discovered one of his erogenous zones. “And never with a man.”

The moonlight lit her face as she gazed up at him. He couldn’t resist the allure of her slightly curved lips and leaned in to take the kiss he craved. His hands moved to the waist of her pants and eased them down over her hips. “I hope you weren’t planning on going to bed tonight.”

“We’ll get there eventually,” she said, unfastening his jeans. “But I wasn’t planning on sleeping in it.”

Naked, they hurried down the steps to the beach and dashed, hand in hand, toward the water. When the waves washed over Roux’s feet, she squealed, and he scooped her into his arms, giving her a twirl as the water sloshed against his calves.

“It’s warm,” she said, wrapping her arms securely around his neck. “I was expecting it to be cold.”

“In June?”

“I’m from New England. I thought all oceans were cold. Or at least cool. You can put me down.”

“In a minute.” He kissed her thoroughly as he waded deeper and deeper into the water. When the churning surface was about thigh high and he was sure there were no sharp shells or rocks to hurt Roux’s feet, he allowed her to slide down his body, partly because she felt so good against him, but also because he wanted her to become aware of how turned on he was by her.

“Wow,” she said, grinning up at him. “Is that a log of drift wood you’ve got there, or are you happy to see me, Aimes?”

His retort died on his tongue as she wrapped a hand around his shaft.

“Let me help you with this,” she said. She sank down into the water.

He groaned when she gently sucked the tip of his cock into her mouth and gave himself over to sensation. Waves lapped repetitively around his upper thighs, washing over his balls with just enough regularity to increase his anticipation. One of Roux’s hands stroked his length, the other caressed his ass, the breeze cool against the wetness she left on his skin. Strands of his hair tickled his neck and shoulders as they danced on the wind. But her mouth—Lord, her mouth—was delightful in every capacity. Whether she was singing, speaking, smiling, or sucking, he was completely enamored by that mouth of hers. He was torn between wanting to kiss her and encouraging her to suck harder so he could fill her mouth with his cum.

“Can I come in your mouth?” he asked, hoping she’d agree, but not cruel enough to do it without her permission. She was vegan after all, and he was all animal.

She nodded slightly, and he threw all restraint aside. His hands moved to her hair, wet fingers dripping water over the silky strands. He shifted his hips forward, eyelashes fluttering as her tongue caressed the underside of his dick and his head brushed the roof of her mouth. When he felt her throat tighten involuntarily, he retreated slowly and allowed

her to regain her composure. He knew women who bragged about not having a gag reflex, but the sensation of it triggering around his cockhead never failed to undo him completely, and Roux’s gag reflex was particularly strong. He had to experience it again.

“I’m sorry,” he groaned as he thrust into her throat again, and was gifted once more with her throat constricting around his tip. His balls tightened. He was already close. So close. Being brought to his limit so quickly was a little embarrassing for a man known for his longevity, yet at the same time, it was glorious. Roux had done this to him. Roux. Her name echoed through his thoughts, making his heart pound. Roux.