Page 73 of Beautiful Vengeance

“She…took her,” she said between gritted teeth, struggling to roll to her side with Brody’s help.

His heart lurched.

He spun around, searching the ground for signs of a struggle. The leaves and forest floor had been disturbed nearby. Cleared in a pattern that indicated something had been dragged along it.

Marcus followed it as fast as he could with his limp, no longer even feeling the pain. The marks led right up to the wall and stopped near several sets of boot prints in the damp soil.

Oh, Christ. Oh, Christ, no… The helo.

Slinging his weapon, he grabbed the top of the wall and hoisted himself up on top. What he saw on the other side made his whole body go numb with fear.

The helo had set down in a clearing a football field length away, rotors turning. Two dozen yards from it, a group of women were fanned out in a semicircle, protecting a middle-aged woman in the center, and another behind her, carrying Kiyomi.

No. Please, no.

He jumped down, landed with most of his weight on his good leg, stifling a cry of agony as his injured hip gave out. He hit the ground on his right side. Rolled to his knees. Fought to his feet once more. He had to get to Kiyomi. Had to stop them.

He made it a half-dozen steps before his leg buckled again, sending him sprawling face first in the damp grass. He shoved up on his hands and knees, his gaze locked on Kiyomi. They were so close to the damn helo. Another one was coming in behind it. If he didn’t stop them now, he’d lose her forever.

Two of the women guarding Kiyomi and the Architect fired at him. Dirt sprayed his face and arms. One round carved a crease through the side of his shoulder. The pain in his heart drowned it out as he brought his weapon up and fired at one of them.

He hit her in the stomach. She doubled over and went down in the grass. The others didn’t stop. Two more fired at him. He ducked. One hit the plate in the front of his vest.

Looking up, he fired at another shooter. Then another. And another.

Three more shooters dropped. Two didn’t move. The third started dragging herself toward the helo.

Only the Architect and the woman carrying Kiyomi remained. But he needed to get closer. He was too far away to guarantee a shot wouldn’t hit Kiyomi with the way they were lined up.

Bracing for the pain, he forced himself upward once more. He bit back a scream, managed to hobble another dozen yards before he fell. He refused to give up, would never give up.

He dragged himself forward, his left leg dangling weakly behind him. Panic sliced at him.

Hurry. Have to save her. Have to stop her from getting aboard the helo.

He struggled forward, every inch sending shards of agony through his leg, the wound in his shoulder burning. He was almost out of ammo now. Only two shots left.

Raising his weapon, he aimed for the woman carrying Kiyomi. He fired, hitting her in the back of the thigh. She went down hard, she and Kiyomi both tumbling to the grass.

Immediately he aimed at the Architect, but he was too late. The psychotic bitch had already lunged forward to grab Kiyomi and dragged her in front. Kiyomi blocked the Architect like a living shield, the angle making it impossible for him to fire.

A wave of rage and despair hit him. They were steps from the open helicopter door. And he was down to his final shot.

If he fired and missed, he was out of ammo. Hitting the pilot from this angle was a low-percentage shot. The rotors, even less so. If he hit the Architect, the round would hit Kiyomi too. But he couldnotlet them get aboard that helicopter. If Kiyomi was taken, she faced captivity, torture, and God only knew what other horrors.

A sickening realization formed in his gut as his only option became clear. He had one final chance to stop this. One final act of mercy he could give her.

The only way to save her was to do the unthinkable, and fulfill the terrible promise he’d made to her the other night.

Pushing past the wall of emotions that threatened to crush him, he laid flat on the grass and stared through the sight at Kiyomi’s chest, anguish twisting in his heart as he adjusted his aim. Her vest wouldn’t stop a round from his weapon at this distance.

I’m so sorry, love.


Kiyomi’s heart raced so fast she feared it might burst, thudding in time with the thump of the rotors as the noise from the helo’s engines suddenly increased in pitch. The drug was slowly fading from her system as the woman who looked just like Amber hauled her to the open helo door.

Her mind whirled, refusing to accept what was happening. Trinity had been shot. Was she dead? What about Marcus?