Page 74 of Beautiful Vengeance

Her captor wrestled her the final few feet toward the helo, keeping Kiyomi in front of her like a shield. Kiyomi deliberately stayed a dead weight to make it as difficult as possible for her, ordering her unresponsive muscles to attack.

Then they were at the helo door, and she found herself in a fight for her life.

Summoning her remaining strength, she tried to buck. Her muscles refused to obey her, moving in an uncoordinated rush that resulted in her arm flailing into her captor’s face.

The Architect dumped her on her ass for a moment but remained behind her as she dragged Kiyomi upright once more, holding her beneath the armpits.

No. You’re not taking me!

Kiyomi managed to turn her head, tried to sink her teeth into the woman’s neck. A sharp cuff to the side of her face snapped her head back. Then the Architect dragged her backward into the open helo door.

Someone else tried to climb in beside them. The Architect lashed out with her foot and kicked the person away, sending them tumbling out of the helo and across the grass.

Kiyomi tried another bite, missed. Flailed one hand up to try and gouge the woman’s eyes. Another blow to the face stunned her for a second. Adrenaline pumped hard and fast through her veins, but still the drug had her in its grip.

It was maddening to be unable to fight back while her mind remained almost clear. She lurched as the Architect finally dragged her up onto the helo deck, pulling Kiyomi practically into her lap.

Kiyomi bucked as best she could, desperately tried to fight. “Why?” she managed to get out, her voice slurred, drowsy. “Why me?”

“Because you’re going to be my blueprint.” She was panting, her voice filled with elation.

Blueprint? For what?

“Go, go!” the Architect shouted to the pilot, grunting as she continued dragging Kiyomi farther inside. “Before that other helo comes in!”

What other helo?

The vibrations in the deck changed. The pilot lifted them a few inches.

No! She wouldn’t let them take her!

Kiyomi wrenched an arm up, clawed at the hand under her arm—and froze.

A red laser dot marked the front of her vest. Forcing her gaze upward, she squinted across the open field. Not far from the stone wall, she spotted him.

Marcus was lying prone, his rifle aimed at her chest. He couldn’t get to her. Couldn’t save her.

So he was going to end her suffering, just as he’d promised.

A sudden wash of tears burned her eyes as she stared back at him, a mix of grief and gratitude. He was alive, but this would hurt him terribly. She was sorry for that, but thankful for his strength to do what needed to be done.

“Thank you,” she whispered to him, hoping he could see it.

She was vaguely aware of the helo beginning to lift, easing forward as in slow motion. The next instant, the bullet struck.

The pain was so intense it punched the air from her lungs. She couldn’t breathe, the world eclipsed in an agonizing burn as she slumped forward.

Somewhere in the background a high-pitched scream filled her ears as she and the Architect tumbled out of the rising helo.

Chapter Twenty-Two

The instant he squeezed the trigger, everything stopped. Time. His heart.

Marcus thought his chest would implode as he watched the bullet hit home, then Kiyomi tumbled out of the helo. She hit the ground on her back, next to the Architect, and didn’t move. The Architect writhed on the ground, his shot having gone through Kiyomi to strike her as well.

A sickening wave of horror swamped him as he stared at Kiyomi lying utterly still on the grass. Bile rushed up his throat, a grief-stricken scream sticking there.

Fuck, had he missed his placement? She’d moved at the very last second…