Page 90 of Beautiful Vengeance

Even as she said it, Trinity’s cell phone went off. She answered, and from the comical look on her face, Kiyomi knew it was Rycroft. “Alex, hang on.” She put him on speaker as he ranted.

“—the hell are you right now? MI6 just called to tell me the escort vehicles all stalled and now the transport van just blew up. Are you guys all okay?”

Trinity’s dark blue eyes were full of mirth, and she looked like she was having trouble fighting back a laugh as she answered. “We’re great. But I think Jane had an accident.”


Kiyomi waited to tell Marcus what they’d done until they were halfway back to Stow in the Range Rover. He shot her a sharp look as she finished, his expression a mix of alarm and pride. “So you’re all wanted women again,” he said in a hollow tone.

“No. There’s no way they can trace it back to us. Even if they could, they can’t prove anything. The UK and US authorities wouldn’t dare put us on trial. Not with the secret shit we can rain down on our government.”

His jaw worked as he drove. “When did the lot of you dream this up?”

“While you were in the shower this morning.”

“Good Christ, woman,” he groaned. “You’ll be the death of me yet.”

“Nope. All that’s behind us now. Rycroft’s pretty mad, not gonna lie, but Trinity’s handling it.”

He shook his head. “How in the hell did you pull all that off with only a few hours’ prep?”

She blinked at him. “Because we’re Valkyries.”

A laugh burst out of him, and the deep, happy sound made her smile. “Aye. You sure as hell are.”

She reached her hand across for his left one, twining their fingers together. “I couldn’t tell you. It was better for you, safer, if you didn’t know anything about it. In case anyone questions you now, you can plead ignorance.”

“Aye,” he said with a pointed, sidelong look, “because you know I would have tried to put a stop to it.”

“Well, that too.”

He let out a deep breath. “So everyone got to do their part, is that it?”

“It was a thing of beauty—teamwork at its finest. Trin was team leader, of course. Briar and Georgia did the recon and provided security while the other parts happened. Amber took care of the camera, remote driving and other tech stuff. Megan broke into the van and installed everything. Eden poisoned the guards, and Chloe planted the bomb.”

“Of course she did,” Marcus muttered, shaking his head again, but this time his lips twitched in amusement. “And what did you do?”

“I got to press the button with Amber and Megan.”

He lifted an eyebrow. “Makes a man wonder if he should sleep with one eye open next to you.”

She leaned across the console to nuzzle the side of his neck. “Nah. You’re safe with me. Promise.”

He’d taken a different route back, choosing quieter roads and avoiding Stow altogether. As they crested a hill, Laidlaw Hall came into view nestled in the valley below. “Oh, God, I’m so glad to be back,” she whispered.

Marcus smiled. “You really love it, don’t you?”

She hummed in affirmation. “Almost as much as I love you.”

He glanced at her, a smile tugging at his mouth. “I’m chuffed you feel that way. I want it to be your home too.”

Her heart skipped a beat, then went into double time. Until an hour ago she hadn’t let herself consider a future with Marcus, because it had been too dangerous for him. Now, with a single op, everything had changed. “You mean it? You want me to stay?”

He frowned as if he’d thought that should have been obvious. “’Course I do. I love you.”

She bit her lower lip, unsure if she was going to burst from happiness or start crying. “Marcus…”

“What? It’s true.” He glanced at her again. “Will you stay?”