Page 91 of Beautiful Vengeance

The others were all scattering after this. It was time for everyone to move forward with their lives. She would miss them, because they were her family. But Marcus was her future.

Her throat thickened. “Yes. I’d love to make a life here with you.”

A wide smile spread across his face. Lifting her hand, he kissed the back of it. “Good. Then that’s that.”

Reaching the front gate, he turned into the long driveway. The stone gatehouse was dark and empty. Megan and Ty would never live there again. But the manor stood at the top of the drive, a few of its front windows glowing with warm light.

A thrill ran through her.Home.

Stepping out onto the gravel drive, a sense of rightness filled her. Marcus smiled and took her hand, leading her up the front steps to open the door.

“Welcome home, love,” he told her, and kissed her there in the foyer as Karas limped as fast as she could up the old flagstone hallway to greet them.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

“Okay, is everyone else feeling totally weirded out right now too?” Chloe glanced around at them all. “No? Just me?”

Seated across the table from her, Kiyomi grinned. The bar was packed, loud and a bit smoky from all the food being cooked in the back. “It’s weird, but I love it.”

None of them had ever imagined going out together as a group before today. It went against everything they’d been taught. All their training and instincts.

Hard to believe that life was over now. Or that a whole world of opportunity and new experiences awaited. It was both exhilarating and a little daunting. She wouldn’t ever let her guard down completely while out in public. Some things were ingrained too deeply.

“Hear, hear.” Next to her, Trinity held up her beer, leaning into Brody’s side. “And by the way, I hope you guys are up for a trip to Virginia soon.”

“Why, what’s in Virginia?” Megan asked, sipping at her pint of ale.

Trinity smiled up at Brody. “Our wedding.”

Everyone gaped at her, and Kiyomi’s eyes widened. “What? When did you decide this?”

Briar ruffled Trinity’s hair affectionately. “She finally came to her senses the other night.”

Trinity gave a rueful grin and smoothed her hair down. “What can I say, I’m stubborn.”

Kiyomi got up and pulled her friend into a hug that was way more awkward because of her sore shoulder and Trin’s broken ribs. “I’m so, so happy for you,” she said into Trin’s hair, then dipped down to whisper, “and really proud of you for going for it.”

Trin squeezed her gently. “Thanks. So, you coming?”

She gasped in mock dismay. “You need to ask? Can I bring a plus one?”

Trin glanced at Marcus. “You’d better.” She looked up at Kiyomi. “Are you going to stay here?”

“Yes.” She was beaming and couldn’t stop because she’d never known it was possible to feel this happy. “He asked me to.”

“Then I’m proud of you, sweetie.”

Chloe was suddenly standing behind them. “Another group hug?” she suggested.

All the women laughed and crowded around into an awkward lump on Kiyomi’s side of the table. The guys all watched with various degrees of amusement, but the level of joy around the table was palpable.

Against all odds, they now each had a future of their own choosing. They’d taken the precaution of planning a WITSEC-style program, yet now it wasn’t necessary. With Jane dead, her circle exposed, files seized and assets frozen…their true identities were now safe. The threat against them had died with the monster responsible for all the trials they’d faced.

“I can’t believe I’m standing in the middle of a crowded bar with my back to the room,” Eden said as she got in on the hug.

It was true. Surreal, to know they were all safe for the first time in decades.

Megan laughed. “Right? Feels so wrong. Course it doesn’t hurt that we’ve got eight badass guys here to watch our backs.”