She dialed his number, gripping the steering wheel tight with her free hand as she drove through town and prayed that he’d pick up.
Easton’s phone rang while he was in the middle of getting dressed.Piper.He smiled as he answered. “Hey, beautiful. What’s up?”
“Greg just barged into my house, demanding to know where my grandmother’s furniture is. And he wasclean.”
The distress in her voice slammed into him like a punch to the gut. He froze in the act of shrugging into his button-down shirt. “What? Where are you?” He whirled for the dresser, grabbed his keys.
“In the car.”
He started for the door, not bothering to finish buttoning his shirt. What the hell was going on? “Are you safe?”
“I think so. I got out as soon as I could and called the cops. They’re on their way to my place. If he’s still there when they arrive, they’ll arrest him. He thinks someone is after him, and from the way he was acting, they have to be close.”
If he was clean like Piper had said, Greg would be long gone before the cops got there. Shit. “Where are you now?” He kept his voice calm as he rushed down the stairs, quickly shoved his feet into his boots.
“I’m just outside of town. I didn’t know where to go.”
She sounded so lost, it sliced at his insides. His father got up and shuffled out of the den but Easton shook his head and rushed out the door. “You wanna come here?”
“I don’t know if I should. What if someone was following him, and now they’re following me?”
Ah, hell. “Go somewhere public and wait for me there. I’ll meet you. I’m leaving now.” He just wanted to get to her, make sure she really was okay. And if Greg or some other asshole had followed her, Easton would take care of it.
“Okay.” She named a gas station just off the highway.
“I’ll be there in fifteen minutes. Don’t move from there, okay?”
“All right.” She let out a shaky sigh. “I’m sorry about this.”
“Nothing to be sorry for.”Damn you, Greg.“Just hang tight. I’m getting into my truck.” The door alarm chimed as he climbed into the cab. “Want to stay on the line with me until I get there?”
“No, it’s okay. Think I’ll just park and get myself together before you get here.”
“No need, sweetness.” He didn’t want her to have to compose herself before seeing him. He wanted her to feel comfortable with him no matter what was happening. “Call me if you want in the meantime, okay?”
“I will.” A pause. “Thanks, Easton.”
“No worries.” He was halfway down his long driveway when he ended the call. By the time he’d reached the gas station, he was livid. He couldn’t believe that lowlife asshole would drag Piper into whatever shit he’d gotten himself into this time. Wasn’t Greg supposed to be in another rehab program out of state right now?
He spotted her little red car next to the service station building and pulled into the parking lot. She climbed out of her car as he parked beside her, her expression sheepish.
And mother of Christ, she looked sexy as hell in that deep blue dress, her golden blond hair all shiny and spilling down her back in soft waves.
“Hey. Thanks for coming,” she said as he got out of his truck.
He didn’t want her thanking him for that. “You all right?” he asked, placing both hands on her shoulders, her skin warm and smooth under his palms.
She nodded, staring at the middle of his chest where his shirt gaped open. He wished it was because she wanted to look at his naked chest, and not because she was embarrassed. “I’m fine. This was just…a shock.”
Easton settled his hands on her back and drew her into a gentle hug instead of crushing her to him the way he wanted to. His girl was shaken and afraid and he’d do anything he could to protect her and make it better.
His heart beat faster when her arms encircled his waist and she leaned her cheek on his shoulder. Her soft floral scent teased him, her warm curves nestled against the hard planes of his torso. She felt amazing and he had to force himself to drop his arms and release her before she noticed the erection growing in his jeans. “The cops call back yet?”
“No. I’m sure he would’ve left when I did. Maybe they’re out searching for him.”
Maybe. “Can I do anything?” God he hated seeing her sad and worried.