She shook her head, lowered her gaze to the pavement between them. “This is more than enough.”
Not by a long shot, but his plan for the evening was all shot to shit now, so his campaign to woo her was going to have to wait. “Come into my truck and tell me what happened.”
When she climbed in, he noticed the thin gold chain wrapped around her ankle. “You still have the anklet?”
She glanced down. “Yeah. I always wear it. It reminds me of you. You gave it to me for my birthday one year, remember?”
“Of course I remember.” He’d been fifteen when he’d given it to her. His dad had pitched in the extra thirty bucks Easton hadn’t been able to come up with in time for her twenty-first birthday. If his old man had guessed at his true feelings for Piper back then, he hadn’t said anything. It touched him to know it still meant so much to her. “I’ll have Wyatt and Austen come pick up your car and drive it to the farm.”
Rather than sit in the parking lot, he drove them back toward town while she filled him in on what happened. He kept checking his mirrors to make sure no one was following them, just in case. “What would he want with your grandmother’s furniture, anyway?” They’d split almost a year ago now. She’d been waiting for the anniversary to hit so she could file the divorce papers, and that had been two months ago. Why would Greg suddenly want anything of hers now?
“He must have hidden something in it. It’s the only thing I can think of.”
Weapons? Drugs? Money? Anything was possible when it came to Greg. The once proud and celebrated Army vet had sunk to new lows before Piper had left him. It infuriated Easton to think of her being subjected to that kind of treatment, being humiliated and ruined by the man who’d vowed to protect, honor and cherish her for the rest of his life.
Easton had heard the vows firsthand, because he’d been at their damned wedding. He’d gone for her sake, and her sake alone, dying inside as he’d watched her pledge herself to another man.
That’s all he remembered, because as soon as the ceremony ended he’d left and gotten shit-faced drunk to avoid thinking about losing the woman he loved. Easton had known even then that Greg had a drinking problem, but even he wouldn’t have guessed how fast things had gone downhill after the wedding, or how bad it had been for Piper.
Whatever shit was going down now, Easton would be damned if he stood by and allowed Greg to hurt her anymore.
“You still hungry?” she asked, taking him by surprise. “I was in the middle of getting ready to meet you when he showed up.”
He’d made reservations at a fancy B&B in the next town over, had intended to tell her that his feelings for her went way beyond friendship, but obviously now wasn’t the best time to take her there and lay his heart on a platter. “I already canceled our reservations. Are you hungry?”
She made a face. “Not really, but I guess I should eat something. I was so busy today I haven’t had anything since breakfast.”
“What do you feel like?”
“I don’t care.” She’d put on a confident façade over the past few minutes, even though he knew perfectly well she was still upset. It bothered him, because he didn’t want her to feel like she had to pretend in front of him.
“How about we grab something quick? Feel like a milkshake?” She’d always loved the chocolate shakes from the diner just off the highway.
“That sounds perfect,” she said with a relieved smile.
He drove them there and grabbed milkshakes and fries to go. When he came out she was on the phone. Her hazel-green eyes met his from across the cab of the truck, wide and full of shock. Easton shut the door behind him, set the food down and waited, his muscles tensing. What now?
“Yes, okay, I’ll be there as soon as I can.” She ended the call and looked at him with haunted eyes, her face so pale the smattering of freckles on the bridge of her nose stood out. “Greg wasn’t there but the police said my place was trashed. There was apparently some kind of struggle and there are bloodstains…” She hitched in a breath. “I need to get to my place as soon as possible.”
Chapter Four
When Easton pulled up to the curb in front of her house a few minutes later, Piper’s stomach was a giant knot of anxiety. The driveway was blocked off with police tape and patrol cars lined the street on both sides. Neighbors were out watching from their lawns and staring from their windows, waiting to see what was going on. That old familiar shame crawled up her spine.
Oh God, I just can’t deal with this shit anymore.
Dreading what she would find inside, she got out of the truck and started up the driveway, Easton right behind her. They hadn’t spoken a word on the drive here. As much as it humiliated her to have him see yet another example of the kind of shit she’d dealt with in the last few years of her marriage, this was by far the worst and she was glad to have his steady, solid presence there to bolster her.
A group of deputies were standing on her front porch. She knew pretty much every deputy in the area, and thankfully they had all been friendly with her after she’d left Greg. One of them detached from the others and started toward her. When he stepped out of the shadows and into the sunlight she recognized Frank, a thirty-something deputy who used to work with Greg.
“Piper. You all right?”
She forced a nod, her heart thudding against her sternum. “How bad is it?”
“There’s a fair amount of damage.”
Ugh. “Can I go in?”