Page 70 of Cash

Following the rules of this stupid game, I take a few deep breaths. I stand, push thoughts of flashing knives out of my thoughts and get back to work. As much as I’d like to react like a normal person, I can’t. I’m a cop for a few more hours yet today. There’s time later to be normal.

My resolve is nearly broken when I exit the building though. James is talking with Tori’s partner, Shanice, while silently gauging where my head’s at. I give him a short nod letting him know I’m on good footing. For now, at least. Later, alone, I’ll process the battle I just survived.

What shakes my resolve to keep my poker face intact, is Chubs. Sitting on his bike at the back of the lot, eyes studying me closely. I know without a doubt that it’s no coincidence that he’s here. I walk to his bike without breaking eye contact. His face is soft, concerned but not panicked.

“I’m okay, Chubs,” I say quietly when I’m standing next to him.

“The blood is his?” Chubs inquires while looking at my uniform shirt.

“Yeah. I think I broke his nose,” I answer with a small, fake smile.

“How’d that happen?” Chubs asks while reaching out and sticking his finger through a slit in the shoulder area of my shirt.

Glancing down, I see the handiwork of the knife. Pulling my shirt outward, I look to see if there’s a wound under the slash. There is, but it’s small and not bleeding anymore. It’s not serious at all, and I never even felt when it happened. Releasing my shirt, I shrug my shoulders.

Chubs pulls his hand back and crosses his arms over his chest.

“You telling Cash about this?” Chubs asks.

“I don’t think that scratch is worth worrying him about,” I hedge.

“What if it was serious enough to need stitches? Hide it or be truthful?”

“I don’t know, Chubs. We’re new, and I haven’t thought those things through yet,” I answer honestly.

“Can I give you some advice?”

“Please do.”

“Be honest with Cash. Trust that he’ll be worried about you, but he won’t make that your problem. He’ll find a way to deal with your job in a way that works for both of you. I’m guessing your job’s probably caused problems with other men before, and you’re gun-shy now. But Cash isn’t just any guy. Don’t start out with secrets between you. Secrets end up hurting those you care most about, even when the secrets are meant to protect them.”

I listen closely and nod my head in agreement. Chubs is right about all of that. I also know he’s speaking from experience. I just don’t know if he’s the one keeping secrets or the one they’re being kept from.

“Thank you, Chubs. I’ll find a way to talk with Cash about today and hope you’re right about it. By the way, how did you know what was going down?”

“I have my ways. I was in the area when I heard about the call, so I came to check on you. Got here just as James was stuffing the guy in the car,” Chubs answers with his usual grin. “Now that I know you’re whole, I have to get going. Take care, Livi, and stay safe.”

Before I can answer, Chubs starts his bike and with a roar, rides off. Turning around, I find James leaning against our patrol unit, smiling. Tori’s unit, along with another one for transporting the man, is gone so it’s just us left. Walking back to James, I stop in front of him.

“Why the smile?” I ask.

“I like that Chubs stopped to check on you. He’s a good guy. The motel manager should be here any minute now. After he arrives and we explain what happened, let’s grab lunch on the way back to the station.”

“Sounds good.”

“You okay?” James asks in a quiet tone.

“Yeah, I’m good. Thanks for the save.”

“You don’t need to call my mom. I’ll be going to the gym with you. I can’t promise I won’t bitch, moan, whine and possibly shed a tear or two, but I’ll be there. Knowledge is power. If Cash can teach us better ways to be safe, it’s worth the sweat. I never want to feel again what I felt when I saw you on the floor, him on top with a knife in his hand.”

I nod my head and lean against the car next to him. I know James will have a few nightmares over that vision. Seeing me get more training will help ease his mind, so that alone makes it worthwhile. It should also help Cash accept my career choice and the consequences that come with it.

Chapter 14


I’m holding the striking pads while putting a client through his training when I see Chubs walking across the gym. His eyes are on me and his face is blank. Leaning against the wall, he appears to be waiting for me to finish. I turn my attention back to the client knowing that if it was an emergency, Chubs would’ve interrupted us.