Page 90 of Missing

I dialed the office.

“Sheppard and Sons-”

“Hey Meg, it’s Doug. Chase is okay but he wants to talk to me so I’m going to the daycare.”

“I know. He told me, but thanks for letting me know.” I could hear the humor in her voice.What did he tell her?No one at SSI knew Beth dumped me last night.

And if I have it my way, we’ll be back together before they know it even happened.

The kids were playing in the yard when I parked. I saw Angela as I crossed the street. Before talking to Chase, I introduced myself and handed her a business card. We’d met before but that was the day Chase had gone missing and it was possible she didn’t recognize me.

Chase stood up and crossed his arms over his chest when I first got there but hadn’t moved any closer. He just stood there, staring at me.Am I really intimidated by a five-year-old?I was, because he was going to give me hell for hurting his mom, and I deserved it.

I told her Chase wanted to talk to me and asked if it was okay as long as we stayed close by and visible. Angela and Shawna were being extra cautious, and I didn’t want to give them cause to worry.

Angela nodded and called Chase over.

“Mr. Doug.” He put his hands on his hips and squared his shoulders.

“Chase.” I stuck out my hand and waited for him to take it. “Let’s go sit over there,” I pointed to a patch of grass away fromeveryone else, “so you can tell me what you want to talk to me about.”

As soon as we sat, he asked, “Why’d you make my mommy cry.”

“I didn’t mean to...” I wasn’t sure what to say next, but it didn’t matter, Chase had another question.

“Don’t you like us anymore?”

I took a deep breath, then another. Navigating this conversation felt like walking through a minefield.

“I do like you. A lot.”

“Then why can’t you be friends with us anymore?”

That was what she’d told him?I could work with that.

“She, I, we,” crap, maybe I couldn’t, “Chase, it’s complicated.”

“Nuh uh.”

Not helpful kid.

“If my mommy likes you and you like my mommy then why can’t we be friends?”

I’d bitten off more than I could chew. Maybe I shouldn’t have come.

Don’t be stupid, Sharpe. This is perfect.

“I really like your mommy. And you. I want to be friends again. Will you help me fix my mistake?”

I’m taking a huge risk by asking Chase to help.

This plan would either be a rousing success and we’d get back together, or it’d crash and burn, and I’d have to leave town.

Chase’s demeanor changed from worried and sad, to cheerful as he jumped up. “Yes.”

I had to think fast to come up with a plan on the spot or lose Chase’s attention. And it had to be something we could do right away, preferably tonight.

“Chase, do you like ice cream?” I asked with a mischievous grin.