Page 89 of Missing

“Then get back to work.” There was no bite to Mary’s bark, so after rinsing my face with cold water I got back to work.

Towards the end of my shift, Mary asked, “Are you going to call him?”

I nodded. “Tonight, after Chase is asleep. I don’t want to risk him overhearing any more conversations not meant for him.”

“Good, it may not work out, but at least you’ll know you tried.”

“Exactly,” I said with an enthusiasm I didn’t feel.

Chapter 46


Ifelt like shit the next morning, and it wasn’t from the whiskey. I’d slept like crap, and still didn’t know how to convince Beth to listen to me. I decided to call her after work, and if she answered, I’d beg her to talk to me. It wasn’t clever, but it was all I could think of.

I was finishing up a report when my cell phone screen lit up two seconds before the phone on my desk rang. The message on my phone said: It’s Chase.

I grabbed the phone and slammed it to my ear as I stood up. “Chase, are you okay?”

Please, God, let him be okay.

“Yes.” His voice sounded small, hesitant, over the line.

“Where are you?” I could hear voices in the background.

“I’m at school.”

I released the breath I’d been holding.Thank God.

“Can you come get me?”

Do I detect anger in his voice?

“Why do you need me to come get you? Is your mom okay?”If she isn’t, why am I the person he’s calling. My mind tripped over itself trying to figure out why he was asking me for help when he’d talked to Meg first.

“My mommy is sad and it’s your fault. I want to talk to you.”

Well doesn’t that just fucking suck?I already felt like Beth had shoved a knife into my heart, and now I had to go talk to Chase and let him twist the blade.

Because no way in hell would I say no to him. Nor would I hide from the truth.

I just have to be careful how I say it.

“Alright, I’ll come. But we have to stay there, okay?” I didn’t think Shawna or Angela would let me take Chase without Beth’s permission.

Nor should they.

“Are you coming now?” His voice kept wavering between scared and mad.

“I’ll leave as soon as we hang up.”

“Okay. Bye.” The phone went dead.

I grabbed my cell and keys off my desk. When I got to the lobby, I waved my cell as I called over my shoulder, “Call if you need me.” She’d transferred the call, so she knew I was going to see Chase.Did he tell her why? I’d find out later, but right now I had to face the music.

“Will do.” Meg’s reply reached me as I walked out the door.

Halfway to the daycare guilt washed over me for not telling Meg where I was going. I didn’t want her thinking something was wrong, given I’d run out of the office a few minutes after she transferred Chase’s call.