Page 55 of Missing

Shawna sat down beside me and pulled me into a hug, rubbing my back the way I often did to comfort Chase. Her voice was soothing as she said, “I’m sure we’ll find him soon. He probably followed a bunny into a bush and he can’t see the lights or hear us yet.”

I didn't believe her. After taking a few deep breaths, I thanked her and stood up.

I turned to the officer and asked, “Which way should I go when I call for him?” There was no point in screaming my head off in the wrong place.

“He was last seen walking in that direction.” He pointed towards the other end of the playground, near the baseball diamond.

The diamond where Chase played tee ball.

“Thanks,” I said as I ran off in the direction of the field. After almost tripping, because I was scanning instead of watching where I was going, I forced myself to slow down to a brisk walk. When I got to the officers at the other end, I introduced myself before I started shouting Chase’s name.

Before long, my throat was sore, and my voice was hoarse. I’d been screaming steadily while searching for him. I asked the nearest officer if they’d heard anything, despite knowing the answer.

“No ma’am, not yet,” the tall female officer answered. “We’ll let you know as soon as we do.”

When her radio crackled with an incoming message, I held my breath and prayed.Please let it be someone reporting they’ve found him.

Instead, it was another officer asking her to tell me John Sheppard was here.

John. My knees buckled in gratitude. John would find Chase. I just knew he would.

He has to.

The officer started speaking, but I was already running back towards the playground. In my mind I heard Chase say "manners," so I yelled thanks over my shoulder.

Chapter 28


AJ and I jumped from our chairs when we heard John’s booming voice. “Lobby, now!” Assuming he meant everyone, we ran out.

The expression on his pale face stopped me in my tracks—I’d never seen him look so rattled.

It was nothing compared to the look on Meg’s face. She was pale and her eyes were frantic as she waited for everyone to assemble.

“Drop anything that isn’t an emergency. We’re going to the park to help search for Chase.”

Chase is missing?Fear gripped my heart. I have to get to Beth.She must be losing her mind with worry.

The room buzzed as everyone started asking questions.

John turned to Sammie. “Campbell, get in touch with someone from the department. Let them know we’re on our way.”

“Yes, sir.” Samantha Campbell was one of our part-time security personnel, and a full-time Weatherford cop.

“Chase is lost at the park. Beth is on her way there now. WPD is working under the assumption he’s wandered off and not treating it like a kidnapping.”

“Are we treating it the same, sir?” I asked. Beth told me Chase had a habit of wandering off. Hell, I’d witnessed it for myself. However, from what she’d said, he rarely went far.

“No.” He ran his hand through his curly short brown hair. “Until he’s found we’ll work under the assumption he’s been kidnapped. We’ll search for clues while we help look for him.” The Sheppards had known Chase his entire life, so they knew it wasn’t normal for him to be gone long enough to inspire a man hunt.

Jack was standing beside Meg, his arm around her. She asked, “what do you need me to do?”

“Stay here for now.” He softened his tone to answer her. When he turned back to us, he was all business again.

“Janerek, you’re with Jamie and Jack. Sharpe, you’re with me. Campbell, we’ll take any help you can give us before your shift starts. Gear up, we leave in three.”

We all nodded and returned to our respective offices to grab our gear.