Page 56 of Missing

Jack gave Meg a hug before we left. He promised her we wouldn’t stop until Chase was found, as he wiped a tear off her cheek.

A wave of jealousy washed over me; I want a love like that. I chastised myself for focusing on the wrong thing and steeled my mind to the task at hand.

The only thing that mattered right now was finding Chase.

John confirmed my fears on the drive over; Chase was most likely hurt or had been kidnapped. He said Chase rarely went far when he wandered, and he usually came running back eager to share the story about whatever it was that had caught his attention.

“And he never misses a chance to talk to a cop. If he wasn’t drawn out by the flashing lights, we have to assume he can’t see them.”

Knowing he was right, and having nothing to add, I nodded.

“Beth will be a nervous wreck, so don’t take anything she says too personal.”

“Thanks.” Beth and I hadn’t been dating long, but I’d already seen how she acted when she was worried about Chase. The museum incident happened less than a week ago, but it was nothing compared to what she must be going through today.

I prayed we’d find him, safe and sound, sooner rather than later.

The first thing I did when we got to the park was look for Beth. I wanted, needed, to be there for her as well as to help with the search. When I finally found her, talking to an officer a few yards away, I strode over as fast as I could without actually running. John was close on my heels.

When she saw me she flew into my arms, buried her face in my chest and sobbed. I held her close, stroking her back to offer what little comfort I could while John talked to the officer.

Beth stepped back and said between sniffles, “We can’t find him. Oh Doug, I can’t lose him too.”

Her fear and desperation tore my heart to shreds. I wanted to promise her we’d find him, and everything would be okay, but I couldn’t lie.

What I could do was promise I wouldn’t stop looking.

John finished talking to the officer and joined us just as Jamie, Jack, and AJ arrived.

“Beth,” he pulled her into a hug, “we’re going to do everything we can to find Chase and bring him home to you.”

“Thank you.” She pulled away and wiped her nose on her arm.

“Weatherford PD is calling out the search and rescue volunteers. Me and the boys are going to start a search in the direction he was last seen.” He looked at Beth, then at me. “Do you want one of us to stay here with you?”

“Can’t I come with you?”

“No, it’s best for you to stay here since this is where he’s likely to return, if he can. Plus, this is command central, so if he’s found by another team you’ll want to be here when they bring him back.”

“Okay.” Beth had drifted back to my side, so I put my arm around her. It was the only way I could think to offer her comfort.

“Do you want someone to stay?” John repeated the question.

“No.” She shook her head. “You all need to look.”

“I can call Emily and have her come stay with you,” Jamie offered.

“Mary will be here as soon as she can,” John added.

“Thanks, Jamie, but I’ll be okay until your mom gets here.”

John reached out for Beth’s hand and led her back to the commanding officer on scene.

When he returned , he said, "We’re doing a standard neighborhood search. We’re not leaving any bush, tree, or back yard uncovered. Understood?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Chase was last seen walking towards the baseball diamond, so we’re going to cross the street there,” he pointed, “and start the search. I’ll take point and stay in touch with Sgt. Walker, who’ll be taking command of the search and rescue team when they get here. Any questions?”