Page 46 of Missing

I decided to make the next move. I trailed my hand along his cheek and chin in a soft inviting caress as I stood up.

Doug closed his eyes and grabbed my waist, pulling me between his knees. Not breaking eye contact, I rested my hands on his shoulders as he caressed his way to my hips, sending goose bumps over my skin.

I had to step back and tilt my head up to maintain eye contact as he stood. The moment was surreal; neither of us spoke, but we communicated plenty with our eyes and our hands. Doug slid his hands up my sides, lifting my shirt as he went. Before reaching my bra, he lifted his hands and let the material fall back into place.

Not wanting to break contact, I ran my hands up and down his muscular chest. The rapid beat of his heart below my right palm, made me smile. I might feel self-conscious about my forty-year-old mom body, but there was no ignoring the signs that Doug wanted me as much as I wanted him.

Doug’s eyes flared when I licked my lips.

I didn’t hesitate when he reached for one of my hands and walked backwards, pulling me towards his bedroom.

I want this.


It took me a moment to realize where I was when I woke up the next morning. The memories of the night before, the night I’dshared in physical bliss with Doug, flooded my brain and made me blush. I turned over and reached for him.

Empty. I looked at the clock on the bedside table; six-fifty-three.

I smiled, noting my sore abs and inner thighs, as I rolled out of bed—last night had been quite the workout. I grabbed a clean pair of panties and tugged the long pink and yellow striped tee I’d brought with me over my head. I wasn’t confident enough to walk around naked, but I didn’t want to get fully dressed just yet.

The smell of freshly brewed coffee hit me as soon as I opened the bedroom door. It felt luxurious to wake up to someone brewing coffee for me, since I not only had to brew my own, but I was the person brewing coffee for Grannie’s early morning regulars during the week.

Before following the smell of coffee to the kitchen, I stopped by the bathroom to relieve myself and brush my teeth. While I was there, I splashed some water on my face and finger combed my sex-induced rat’s nest of hair.

“Good morning.” I said, as I padded into the kitchen on bare feet.

Doug’s eyes looked down, then up, sending shivers across my skin as I remembered the feeling of his hands, caressing where his eyes were now wandering.

“Morning, Beautiful. Did you sleep well?” Doug asked, a smile on his face and a sparkle in his eyes.

“I did. It felt nice to sleep in a little.” I leaned against the island. “How about you?”

“Like the dead.” He winked. “Coffee will be done in a minute. How do you like your eggs, or would you prefer an omelet?”

“You’re spoiling me.”

“You deserve to be spoiled.” Doug said as he put down the mugs he had grabbed before closing the small distance between us, wrapping me in a hug, and kissing my forehead.

I wrapped my arms around him as I said thank you into his chest.He smells good.

“So, how do you want your eggs?” He whispered into my hair.

“An omelet sounds good. Want any help?”

“Nope, I’m happy to let you sit and enjoy your coffee while I make breakfast.”

I hesitated, debating whether I should take him up on his offer, which I had to admit sounded delightful, or offer to help again. The idea of relaxing while someone else did the work sounded wrong to me.Because you’re not used to someone taking care of you.

I hadn’t decided when the coffee machine beeped letting us know our morning caffeine fix was ready. Doug filled the two mugs and nodded towards the fridge.

“Half and half is on the top shelf. Now go, relax for a few minutes.” Doug reassured me that he brewed Grannie’s coffee—I wasn’t a coffee snob and wouldn’t have said anything but I was glad he brewed it. It was the best around, and I would know; I drank it every day.

I won’t lie or pretend I was upset he made the decision for me. Having a quiet moment to enjoy my coffee while someone else made breakfast felt like a vacation. I thanked him as I poured half and half into my coffee. Then I went and sat on the couch, as instructed.

Instead of relaxing, I pulled out my phone and checked my messages.

The only notifications I had were from Mary and Meg. Mary had sent one text last night: Have fun tonight.