Page 47 of Missing

Meg had sent some pictures of Chase during the night. I looked through them quickly, and then downloaded them to my phone. It looked like he had a blast with everyone last night. My favorite was one of him on Jack’s shoulders with a plastic dinosaur in each hand. Chase looked like he was roaring.

Forgetting how early it was, I sent a thank you text to Meg and confirmed I’d be there at ten to pick up Chase. I didn’t expect to get a reply right away, but I did.

Meg: No rush. With a wink emoji.

There wasn’t a rush, per se, but I told Chase I’d take him to the museum this afternoon.

I wondered if Doug has plans this afternoon.

Am I really thinking of inviting him to join us?Yes, the night we’d just shared was special. Not because it ended a five-year dry spell, but because of the connection I’d felt.

We’d felt. I could tell from his touch, and the look in his eyes, Doug felt it too. Was I ready to take the next step in our relationship so soon?

It’sjust the museum, not—

“Breakfast is served.” Doug’s announcement interrupted my thoughts. He placed two steaming plates of food on the table then said, “I’ll be right back.”

I sat in the same place I had at dinner and waited for him to come back. When he did, he had the coffee pot, a potholder, and the half and half. “I figure we’ll want refills.”

He wasn’t wrong. You’d think I’d grow to dislike coffee working full time as the manager of a coffee shop, but you’d be wrong.

The ham and cheese omelet was delicious. We talked. I refilled his coffee when I refilled mine.

As we ate, I worked up the nerve to ask him about his day.

“I was, um, wondering, do you have plans this afternoon?” Damn it, I sounded like a nervous teenager.

“Not really,” he smiled as he answered. His smile was charming, like he was teasing me without words.

“I told Chase if he was a good boy for Meg and Jack, I’d take him out to lunch and then to the science museum.” I paused to sip my coffee and build up courage. “If you wanted to, you couldcome with us, I mean I’d like it if you wanted to. Although I’m sure hanging out with a five-year-old probably doesn’t sound like much-”

Doug cut of my rambling. “I’d love to.”

He laid his hand on the table, palm up and I accepted the invitation. When I laced my fingers with his, he rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb. I felt heat rise in my cheeks at the intimacy of the moment.

We both understood the implications of me inviting him to spend the day with us, so it didn’t need to be said.

Doug lifted my hand and pulled it towards him while he leaned in. Then he placed a soft kiss on the back of it before releasing it so he could collect our empty plates and carry them to the kitchen.

The tenderness of the moment brought tears to my eyes. I could be so sensitive sometimes.I blame my hormones. I’d read that women entering Perimenopause could be extra emotional.

Christ, what was I thinking? Did I make a huge mistake inviting Doug with us today? What if Chase gets attached and then Doug dumps me because I’m too old?

What thirty-year-old wants to be with a woman going through the change?

“You want to shower while I clean up?” Doug called from the kitchen, putting a stop to my thoughts before they caused me to change my mind.

“Yeah, thanks.”

I grabbed my bag from the bedroom and took a shower, letting the hot water wash away my doubts. I had to trust Doug when he said my age wasn’t a problem. It was time to take the plunge and stop worrying about what would happen if he changed his mind.

Right, that might be possible if it was only me, but I have to think about Chase.

Chapter 25


Beth wanted to drive, so I folded myself into her small green four-door sedan. On the drive to Jack’s, she laid out the ground rules: keep an eye on Chase at all times, he tends to wander when he gets excited or hyper focused, and we don’t let him stop and look in the shop because he’ll want to buy all the things, especially in the shop near the dinosaur exhibit.