“I’ll have to try it.” He wrapped his arm around me and kissed the top of my head. “But first I need to buy a crockpot.”
“You can always borrow mine.” I hugged him back.
I could get used to this. We’d only been together for two months, but it felt natural to have him in my kitchen, helping me with a holiday meal. Even if I wasn’t comfortable having him spend the night, yet.
I’d gotten over my concerns about Chase waking up with Doug here, but was still nervous about Chase coming into my room and seeing us together. It might not seem like a big deal to most parents, but I’d slept alone Chase’s entire life.
I was also weirded out at the thought of having another man in the bed I’d shared with Phil, but I was working on it.
Doug will only be patient for so long. And I wanted him here with me.
Chapter 54
After attending the SSI holiday party, for employees and their families, Beth and I brought an exhausted Chase home. He insisted on leaving milk and cookies out for Santa, so he and I got everything ready while Beth was upstairs changing. While we waited, he tried to convince me it was okay for him to have some too.
“Let’s ask your mom first.”
He sighed as his shoulders sagged.How does someone so small sigh so big? His reaction made it clear he expected his mom to say no.
I put my hand on his shoulder. “Come on Little Man, help me pour the milk.”
Before we finished filling the coffee mug Chase had picked out, Beth came back downstairs in red and green plaid leggings and a tee shirt with a cat tangled up in Christmas lights. Her curly hair was pulled back in a messy bun.
She looks gorgeous.
“Mommy, can Mr. Doug and I have some milk and cookies too?” The little bugger included me in his request, knowing it’d be harder for his mom to say no.
When Beth looked at me, I shrugged and gave her my most innocent impression. If it made Chase happy, I’d have milk and cookies, with Beth’s permission of course.
“One each, and only half a glass of milk,” she answered with a smile, “after you change into your pajamas.”
While we were eating our one cookie each, Chase asked if I’d be sleeping over.
I’d love to kid.
“I want you to keep watch and wake me up when Santa gets here.”
We had drastically different reasons for wanting me to spend the night.
Beth and I shared a look, we’d agreed I’d go home tonight and come back in the morning.
“Chase, I-” Beth started.
“Please Mommy, can Mr. Doug sleep over with us?”
Beth closed her eyes and inhaled sharply.
I waited patiently while she made up her mind.
“Okay, but you have to be a good boy and go to sleep right away.”
I could see the nervousness in her eyes when she made eye contact with me. I smiled, hoping to ease her concerns. I’d stay on the couch, if it made her more comfortable.
Beth read Chase his favorite Christmas story before bed. When she came back downstairs, she was laughing.
“He wanted to stay awake, but fell asleep three pages in.” She shook her head back and forth as she sat on the couch and curled up in my arms.