Page 56 of Beaten

Meg nodded as Jack said, “It’s Meg’s specialty.” He practically glowed with pride. “It’s become a staple in our house.”

“It was my grandmother’s recipe. It’s super easy to make, and has always been one of my favorites.”

“It looks delicious.”

Then I heard Craig’s voice in my mind, “You should stick with a salad and a burger with no bun so you don’t get any fatter.” I closed my eyes and told the voice to shut up.Great, now I’m worried I’ll look like a pig in front of everyone. I looked around, Meg and Ashley weren’t being shy about loading up their plates. No one here would judge me or call me fat for eating some pasta.Fuck you, Craig.I helped myself to a big scoop of the mac and cheese, a burger with all the fixings, well except onions. I couldn’t hide my smile when I noticed Jamie didn’t put onions on his either. Then I chastised myself, it probably had nothing to do with me.For all I know he doesn’t like onions.

I’m pretty sure I moaned a little as I ate. Not only did it all taste so good, but it felt good to enjoy a fun, judgement-free meal with friends.

We were finishing up with lunch when John and Mary arrived. There were hugs and handshakes all around. Jamie introduced Ashley to his parents.

When they joined us at the table, John helped himself to a burger and a big serving of Meg’s mac and cheese before sitting beside me.

“Have you tried this yet Emily? It’s amazing.” He asked around a mouthful.

“I did Mr. Sheppard, and you’re right, it was so good I’m pretty sure I was drooling.” I blushed.Crap, did I say that out loud, to Jamie’s dad?

“I wouldn’t blame you. It’s drool worthy. And please, call me John.” He called down to Jack, “Son, pass me a beer will ya?’

“Any preference? We have lots to choose from.”

“Surprise me.”

“Mom?” Jack asked before closing the cooler.

“I’m good, I’ll pour myself some wine.” Mary was sitting next to Meg and they were whispering excitedly while glancing at Jamie. Meg’s guilty smile told me all I needed to know, they were talking about me and Jamie.

I put my hands in my lap, and looked down at my plate as my mind started racing. If they were talking about us, then Mary probably knew I liked Jamie.Wait,does that mean she thinks Jamie likes me?Did she want us to get together, or was she worried about her son being with someone like me? Is she worried I might bring trouble because of Craig? Does she even know about Craig? I knew there was client confidentiality, and stuff like that, but did it count if it was the owner’s wife, or mother?

I heard Craig’s voice telling me I was stupid, ugly, and fat. I clenched my teeth in an effort to shut him up.

My hands started shaking.This is all too much.I was barely out of my old relationship and here I was worried about what Jamie’s mother thought of me. I was thinking like someone who was worried about meeting her boyfriend’s parents forthe first time, or like we were already dating. Which we weren’t.

I felt a warm hand on my shoulder. “Em, are you okay?” Jamie’s voice was thick with concern as he whispered in my ear.Shit, I must look pathetic.I felt the heat in my cheeks as I nodded but didn’t look up.

“My mom brought brownies and cookies, want to come help me carry them out?”Oh my God, I could hug him right now. He’d just offered me a chance to get away from all the prying eyes.

“Yes please.”That was a stupid response. Nothing like making it obvious I wanted to run away and hide. Luckily, no one except Jamie and John heard me. I tried to hide my embarrassment by looking at my feet, because everyone was watching us as we walked away, even though they tried to look like they weren’t.

I followed Jamie inside, not sure how I was going to respond if he asked me if I was okay again. Should I say ‘nothing’, or tell him the truth.Can I do that without being embarrassed? Or making it weird between us?

Jamie stopped in the kitchen and faced me. “Are you sure you’re okay? Did someone upset you?” He looked, and sounded, worried.

“No. I’m not upset. I’m just, it’s,” I tried to collect my thoughts and failed. Then started rambling, “I saw your mom and Meg whispering, all animated and eager, and then Meg gave me this huge grin like she knew some big secret and I know it’s stupid but I kinda freaked out because Meg knowsI like you.” I stopped short and snapped my eyes up to look at him.Holy shit, I just blurted out that I like him.

When he didn’t say anything I tried to apologize. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry Jamie-”


“I didn’t mean to-”

“Emily.” Jamie raised his voice, I stopped talking and looked back up at him. My first instinct was to be afraid, but it only took a second to realize he wasn’t mad. He had the cutest smile on his face. “I like you too.”

He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

“But you said-”

“I know. I lied, to myself,” he paused, “and to you, and I’m sorry.”