Page 57 of Beaten

“Really?”God, I sound like a pre-teen. Get your shit together.

“Yes, really.” ‘He reached out and gently grabbed my hands, then pulled me closer. “I have a long list of reasons why I shouldn’t ask you out, but right now all I can think about is how nice it’d be to get you alone so we can talk.”

“I’d like that.” I was pretty sure I’d just agreed to go out on a date with Jamie. Of all the scenarios I had running through my mind when we came inside, this wasn’t even close to being on the list.

He pulled me in for a hug. “Me too.” His arms felt warm and strong as he wrapped them around me. I wanted to stay there, warm and safe, for a lot longer than the few seconds the hug lasted.

He pulled away. “It’s kind of weird, isn’t it? We’ve known each other most of our lives, but we don’t really know eachother. Not as adults. I want to get to know the adult version of you, Emily.” He paused. “Does that make sense?”

“Yeah, because it feels the same for me.”A date!

We were quiet for a moment. “Jamie, can we keep this between us for now? I’m not sure I can deal with,” I looked outside, “all that right now.”

“Of course." He chuckled. "They can be a bit much.”

I nodded, grateful he understood.

“We’ll have to talk to Chris sooner rather than later. He’ll kill me if he finds out from anyone else.”

I laughed. It seemed insane that Chris would go all protective big brother against his best friend, who he hired to protect me. But whatever, guys were dumb that way.

“I guess, but not yet.”

“Come here.” He pulled me into a hug, and it felt… different, more intimate, more meaningful. Maybe it was the way he placed his hands on my lower back, or the way he applied a bit more pressure than he had before. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but this hug felt like more. I rested my head on his chest, wrapped my arms tighter around him, and sighed.

“We’ll figure this out together, okay?” He pressed his cheek to my head, and my heart melted. I went from I don’t know, to my heart melting in less time than it took to cook a burger medium rare.


“We should go back outside before everyone thinks we ran away.”

Chapter 26


Ican’t believe I asked Emily out on a date.

The SSI company BBQ was a full-day event with food and games, plus a bonfire and s’mores after sunset. It was the perfect opportunity for me to talk to Emily as friends, with no pressure, and get to know her better. I wasn’t sure either of us was ready to take our relationship to the next level, but I figured it couldn’t hurt to test the waters and if nothing else we’d strengthen our friendship.

But then Emily got uncomfortable at lunch and I’d asked her to help me inside so I could check on her. While she was word vomiting,must be a female thing because Meg does it too, she let it slip that she liked me.

That was all it took for my defenses to crumble.

I grinned like a goofball, then asked her out in a round about way instead of directly, like a gentleman. In mydefense, I hadn’t planned on asking her out at all, at least not today. The plan was to wait until things had settled, and then plan something nice. I totally fucked up that plan.At least I can still plan something nice.

How did I get from I can’t because I’m not ready, and she’s my best friend’s sister, to asking her out so quickly? Maybe it was the relaxed atmosphere, maybe is was the vulnerability in her eyes when she confessed. It didn’t matter. Whatever caused it, I'd given up the fight.

I couldn’t help but notice the expectant faces when we walked out together, carrying trays of baked goodies. I tried to convince myself they were all eager for my mom’s cookies and brownies, but I couldn’t.

They were bound to notice we were both more relaxed, and my-kid-in-a-candy-store grin. I’d never been good at policing my facial expressions outside of work. As a cop I’d had to, and you’d think it’d carry over into my personal life too, but no.

We didn’t say anything, and no one asked. They didn’t have to, their knowing glances said it all. It probably didn’t help that we sat a little closer and smiled a little more than we had before our trip inside.

Chris and Vicky came over about four-thirty, just missing my mom and dad, who, not wanting to miss out on Doug’s famous smoked ribs, said they’d be back after taking care of a few things. After Chris introduced Vicky to anyone she didn’t know, they sat down and grabbed some food.

Emily was nervous, and it showed. She stared at the ground anytime she wasn’t busy organizing or cleaning something.She wasn’t acting like herself and Chris was bound to notice.This isn’t how I want him to find out about us.

As if on cue, Chris asked, “Is everything okay? Did we interrupt something?”