“She didn’t say it was because of me?” It didn't surprise me. I couldn’t imagine Meg telling my mom I was the reason she was leaving.
“No, but what else would it be? You said you had a fight, but this is more than a fight.”
“I fu- messed up,” My voice caught in my throat as my mom’s words sunk in. She’s leaving. “I thought I’d have time to fix it.”
After a brief pause, she asked, “What can I do to help?”
I swallowed down the lump in my throat, preferring it when she was acting like an angry mama bear. Her sympathy made it too real.
“Thanks ma, but there’s nothing you can do. I have to fix this myself.”
Before hanging up, she reminded me she was there if I needed to talk.
My dad didn’t waste any time. “I just got an earful from your mother. Care to fill me in on the why?”
This day was going to suck ass. “Jamie didn’t tell you?” What I couldn't ask was, weren't you listening?
“I want to hear it from you.”
I relived the events as I told him what happened and waited for his lecture.
I didn’t get one. Instead, he gave me the same advice as Jamie: “Give her time.”
What the fuck? When had he changed his mind? I knew he never had anything against Meg but I still hadn't expected to get through the day without a lecture from him. I embraced my good luck instead of questioning it. “Time is a luxury I don’t have.”
“She feels betrayed. She won’t hear anything you say until she calms down. You’ll make it worse, not better, if you try to rush it.”
He was right. I could all but hear Jamie saying, I told you so. He’d taken every opportunity to remind me it was a bad idea to get involved with Meg, and an even worse one to lie to her.
I wasn’t sure I could sit around and do nothing without going crazy. Especially since I didn’t have any big assignments this week, and paperwork could only keep my mind occupied for so long.
Ma called on Tuesday to confirm they delivered the flowers. “She seemed pissed after reading your note,” she paused, “she threw it away and left the flowers in the break room.”
Not surprising. I hadn't expected her to forgive me just because I sent flowers.
I ordered another bouquet for Wednesday. I didn’t want to be pushy, but my schedule was tight if I was going to stop her from leaving.
This time I sent pink and white carnations with the note: Can we talk? Jack.
Ma called to confirm the delivery and tell me Meg had the same reaction. I hoped for a different one. When I asked my mom for advice, she echoed dad and Jamie: “Give her time.” Why did they all think I could afford to wait?
My desperation grew as I thought about how fast the days would go by.
Chapter 38
Igot up early on Sunday and canceled all my appointments. I had to leave Weatherford. I ate a quick breakfast before driving to the library. I needed to find a new place to live. I also knew myself well enough to know I had to stay busy, or I’d go crazy.
I cried the entire drive. I was still angry at Jack, but I was sad, too. Right now, sadness was winning. I hated the thought of leaving Weatherford. I believed I might have had a future here.
I wiped away my tears with the back of my hand.I knew I'd regret getting attached.The more I thought about Jack, his lies and betrayal, the angrier I got. I let the anger replace the sadness. It was easier to deal with.
I knew I’d get over it, eventually. I was a survivor, and this wasn’t the first time someone I thought I could trust hurt me.But it will be the last.I won’t be dumb enough to trust anyone ever again.
My tears were dry by the time I parked. I stopped in the women’s room to wash the tear stains off my face.
I checked my emails before searching for a new town. There were a few new emails from my mother. I scanned them. They all said the same thing: we miss you and want to be a family again.Again? We were never a family. Why did everyone lie to me? I moved them to her folder.