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Ifucked up. If I’d listened to Jamie and told her what I’d learned, this wouldn’t have happened. I wore a path on the hardwood floor between the dining room and livingroom while I waited. My jaw ached from clenching it so much. Jamie sent me a text when he dropped Meg off so I'd know she got home safe. I needed to know what she’d said during the ride. If he thought there was even the slightest chance she might forgive me. And if I was being totally honest with myself, I needed my big brother’s support.

I heard the garage door close and rushed down the hall. “What’d she say? How pissed off is she?” I demanded. “Will-”

Jamie put up his hand. “Not much. She’s pissed. Very pissed. But judging from her body language, she’s more hurt than angry. Though she only expressed her ang-”

“What exactly did she say?” I practically barked when I cut him off. Jamie raised his eyebrows. “Sorry.” He didn't deserve my attitude. I was the only person I could blame.

“She wanted to know why you lied.” Jamie ushered me back down the hall, grabbing a towel on the way.

“She needs time to calm down before she’ll talk to you. I answered her as best I could, but she wasn't ready to hear the answers.”

“Fuck.” I stared down at our half-eaten meals on the table. The evening had gone to hell in the blink of an eye.

“How do I fix this, Jamie? I can’t lose her.” I had just accepted how much I like her.

“I know.” Jamie patted me on the shoulder. “Give me a second to change out of my wet clothes, and we’ll talk.”

I grabbed two beers from the fridge and carried them into the living room. The mess in the kitchen could wait. I had a more important mess to clean up.

We talked for hours, mostly about Meg and Isabella, love and loss.

It broke my heart all over again, hearing Jamie’s voice crack as he talked about her.

I grabbed us a couple more beers and told Jamie the ugly, embarrassing truth about my breakup with Ana.

“It’s different with Meg. She needs my help, even if she won’t admit it, but she refuses to ask for it. She doesn’t want anything from me, not like Ana. I know Meg thinks I have a hero complex, and maybe I do, but there’s more it. I’m at peace when I’m with her, Jamie, and…”

“You love her.” It wasn’t a question.

Do I? Jamie waited while I thought about it. “I do.” It was the first time I’d admitted to myself. I ran my hand through my hair, causing it to stand on end, before leaning forward and resting my head in my hands. “How do I fix it?”

“You’ll find a way.” I appreciated his confidence in me, because right now I wasn’t feeling it for myself and I needed his advice.

Grief, fear, and loss weren’t the easiest subjects to share, but by the end of the night, I felt closer than ever to Jamie than.

I sat at my desk Monday morning, ordering flowers for Meg while I waited for my dad. The bouquet was like the one I brought her on our first date. I had it sent to Grannie’s, with a note that said: I’m sorry. Jack.

I was dreading my upcoming meeting with my dad, knowing he’d read me the riot act. Which I deserved. At least Jamie had been sympathetic when he lectured me. Unlike AJ, who didn’t pull his punches and made sure I knew I was a “fucking idiot” who had “royally fucked up” before saying anything useful. The flowers were his suggestion. “It’ll show her you’re thinking about her, while still giving her the space she needs.”

My phone rang as I was putting my credit card back in my wallet.

“Hi Ma, wha-”

“Don’t you ‘Hi ma’ me. What the hell happened? Meg just gave me her notice!”

I flinched and held the phone away from my ear.

“Fuck.” I swore, then quickly apologized, so she didn’t have another reason to tear me a new asshole. I deserved the verbal smack down. If Meg could see this, she would understand my healthy fear of my mom. I would have laughed if I hadn't been so worried Meg would never talk to me again.

Of course, my dad walked in at that moment.It’s going to be a long day. He sat down in front of my desk and made a hand gesture at AJ, who quietly left the room.

“I’ll let it slide this time.” Mary softened her tone. “What happened Jack? She looked devastated when she gave her notice.”

“What reason did she give?” I asked as Jamie walked in. He sat next to dad. I switched to speaker and put my phone down. I wouldn’t be getting any privacy today.

“She said things aren’t working out in Texas. She needs to move on.”

Dad and Jamie exchanged a look.