“Not one.” He crossed his heart.
I stared at him as rain dripped down my face and drenched my clothes. I didn’t trust him to keep his mouth shut, but I was soaking wet, and knew he meant it when he said he’d follow me. “Fine.” I snapped, too mad to be polite or grateful. I turned and stalked towards his SUV. When the door clicked, I ripped it open, climbed in, and slammed it shut.
“Tha-” I whipped my head around and gave him a look to melt flesh off bone. He held up a hand in surrender. Smart man. Jamie turned the heat on and directed the vents towards me. It wouldn’t be enough to dry me off, but it was enough to warm me up.
I sat on the far edge of the seat, with my head pressed against the cool window, and cried. I didn’t care if he could hear me when I started mumbling, “So fucking stupid. Should have known.” I sniffled.Never again.
Without lifting my head from the window, I asked, "Why?"
I assumed Jamie would know I was talking to him, but he didn’t answer. I stared at him, waiting for him to acknowledge me, then repeated the question. “Why?” My voice shook with pain and anger.
Jamie pulled over before answering calmly, “He did it because he thought you had a stalker, and he didn’t want to lose you the way I lost my wife.”
“I’m sorry that happened,” I whispered as I leaned my forehead against the window again, “but it’s not an excuse to betray my trust.”
“Thank you. And you’re right.”
“He should have asked me.”
“He should have, but would you have told him the truth?” Jamie's voice was calm, but it pissed me off anyway.
I snapped at him. “I don’t have a stalker is the truth.”
Jamie raised an eyebrow. “Technically no, but you are hiding Meg, from someone who wants to hurt you. It’s no less dangerous.” He paused. “Would you have told him that, or stuck with the technical truth?”
I flinched at the accusation in his voice. Then got pissed.How dare he?I barked, “No, because it’s none of his business!”
“You’re wrong-”
I didn't want to hear anything he had to say, so I cut him off. “Fuck you.” I mumbled. “Fuck you both.” Jack betrayed me. The sadness and regret shattering my heart were almost as strong as my anger.
Jamie put the truck in drive and turned onto the road. For a few minutes, the rain on the windows was the only sound other than my sniffles. It occurred to me they probably told Mary. I asked softly, “Does Mary know?” I couldn't stand the idea of Mary knowing.
“No, we told her someone might come asking about you, and asked her to let us know if anyone does. She needed to know, for her safety as well as yours.”
I nodded, grateful Mary didn’t know, then it occurred to me John must know.At least now I know why he doesn’t like me.I didn’t say anything for the rest of the ride. Jamie parked in the spot closest to my door, but didn’t turn the engine off. He reached up, grabbed a business card from his visor and handed it to me. “If you need anything, please call me.”
I didn’t take it. “Thank you for the ride.” I said as I climbed out of his truck. I didn’t look back before closing my door and securing all the locks. How could I have been so blind? I knew better than to trust anyone, to get too close. I let my guard down and took a chance. A mistake I would never make again.
I gathered up all the flowers Jack had given me before changing out of my wet clothes. I didn’t want any reminders of him in the apartment. It hurt too much. I was going to throw them in the trash, but threw them outside so I wouldn’t have to see them. After changing out of my wet clothes, I sat down to write a to-do list. My hand trembled as I listed the things I needed to do in the next couple of days so I could leave Weatherford as soon as possible.
Cancel my appointments to see potential apartments.
Give Mary my two-week notice.
Go to the library and find a new city to live.
I opened the safe and counted my cash, chastising myself for getting comfortable with Jack. Never again. Once I counted my savings, I wrote a moving budget. I only had a few expenses, so it didn’t take long. Tears flowed freely down my face. I didn’t care enough to wipe them away.I’m going to miss Mary and Beth. I decided not to give Mary my new address after I moved. I’d lose the money from my last check, but that was okay. If I gave her my new address, Jack would know where I was and I didn’t want him showing up on my doorstep. The harsh sound of my laugh cut through the room. He could find me easily if he wanted to.He won’t.
I stared at my list through tear-filled eyes for a few more minutes before taking a hot shower. I already felt better knowing I had a plan to leave Weatherford, and Jack, behind.I’ve started over before, I can do it again.
It was going to be a long two weeks.
As the hot water washed over my body, I forced myself to ignore the voice in my head.You work for his mom. You won’t be able to avoid him if he comes in.I thought about quitting without notice, but I had too much respect for Mary. I let the hot water wash away a fresh wave of tears.
Chapter 37