He pulled me into a quick hug, turning us so he could see the direction they’d run. My breathing returned to normal as his strong, warm arms surrounded me like a protective blanket.
I stepped back and finally answered him. “I’m okay.” I started babbling with nervous energy, “Wow, you sound so different when you’re all business.” I tried to play it off like they hadn’t just scared me half to death. “Is it legal for you to say you’re a cop?”
“They made an assumption. I neither confirmed nor denied it.” He winked before picking up the cooler and blanket. To say I was grateful the encounter hadn’t escalated to violence was an understatement. Groups of teenage boys could easily turn violent, especially when alcohol was involved. It could have been so much worse.
I couldn’t hide my shaking hands or my uneven breathing. Jack didn’t mention my anxiety but asked if I wanted to skip the concert.
“Would you mind?” I wiped my sweaty palms on my dress. “I feel so bad.”
“I don’t mind.” He reached for my hand. “Please don’t feel bad.”
When Jack walked me to my door and asked to use the bathroom, I couldn’t say no. I prayed he wouldn’t pay too much attention to the stained split pea soup green carpet in my bedroom or the things on my nightstand.Who am I kidding? Jack was stupidly observant and wouldn’t miss any details. I should’ve put my knife and book in the nightstand.
Jack didn’t stay long. He said he had to go after I pulled back when he tried to kiss me. Not that I didn’t want him to. I did, but I got scared.
I walked the few feet back to my kitchenette after locking my door and picked up one of my mini bouquets. I held it up to my nose and inhaled deeply.
Jack didn’t know it, but he’d made my twenty-fourth birthday the best ever.
Even if the date ended a little crazy, and might be our last one. I took one of the glasses of flowers into the bedroom with me. I wanted to see them first thing when I woke up.
The smell of alcohol and cigarettes on his breath as he hovered over me made me gag. I struggled to pull away, but he pinned me in place with his fat, sweaty body. Drops of sweat fell on my cheek as he lowered his head to bite my neck. I whimpered softly, trying not to cry out in pain. Tears ran down my cheeks, but I wouldn’t scream and give him the satisfaction of knowing he was hurting me. I squeezed my eyes and prayed it would be over soon.
Suddenly I’m being crushed by his excessive weight and struggling to breathe.
I woke up screaming.
Chapter 25
Iwanted to kiss Meg goodnight without prying eyes, so I asked if I could use her bathroom. Doug had installed cameras on the dash of the beat-up brown sedan parked at the end of the lot. Jamie was reviewing the recorded footage several times a day. I didn’t have access to the feed or recordings, and that was okay. Watching her door felt a little too stalker-creepy, and I wasn’t that guy. Doug made sure the camera wouldn’t have a line of sight into her apartment. The goal was to watch for suspicious activity, not spy on her.
My gut clenched when Meg hesitated before inviting me in. I hoped her hesitation was because she didn’t want me to see her bedroom, on the way to her bathroom, not because she didn’t want me to come in at all.
I scanned Meg’s bedroom on my way to the bathroom. I wasn’t trying to be nosy, but it was a habit to scan any room I walked into. The carpet was a disgusting shade of baby vomit green. It was the ugliest carpet I’d ever seen. I ignored the cheap decor and glanced at the nightstand. My chest swelled with pride when I noticed the flashlight and fixed blade knife. Meg had defensive tools staged throughout her apartment. She wouldn’t be an easy target for anyone.
She also had a book in every room. The one on the nightstand was probably a romance, given the image on the cover.She really does love to read.
Meg was arranging the flowers in four tall glasses when I came back from the bathroom. “Note to self: bring flowers in a vase on our next date.” I fake whispered as I stepped up to the counter separating the living space from the kitchenette.
She laughed without taking her eyes off the flowers. “I can hear you. And you don’t need to bring me a vase. The glasses work fine, besides now I can have the flowers in the living room and the bedroom.” Meg stopped fussing with the flowers and looked up. “Wait, you want to go on a second date?”
“Did I give you any reason to think I might not?” I didn’t think I had.
“No, but-” Meg lowered her eyes, but not before I saw the uncertainty in them, “I kinda ruined this one.”
Without thinking, I walked around the counter and closed the distance between us. I gently grabbed her by the shoulders and turned her so she was facing me. I took the flowers out of her hand and put them on the counter before lifting her chin until she lifted her eyes to meet mine.
“No, you didn’t. It’s normal to be shaken up after a scary situation.” I wanted to kiss away her fear. I leaned in. I was close enough to feel her soft breath on lips when she tensed up and pulled away. I dropped my hands.She doesn’t want me to kiss her. That stung. I put my hands in my pockets and stepped back. I stared at the floor while I regained my composure, so she couldn't see my disappointment.
“I should go.”
Meg walked me to the door. “Thank you for a great night. I’m sorry I cut it short.”
I opened my mouth to tell her to stop apologizing, but knew it was useless. I smiled, but it didn’t reach my eyes. “It’s okay, we can go another time.” She was giving me mixed signals, so I wasn’t sure she’d go out with me again.
I hugged her goodbye and waited until I heard her door lock click before walking to my truck.