Page 44 of Taken

I was halfway home before I realized we hadn’t set a time for our range date on Sunday, so I called her. I hadn’t expected her to answer, but was grateful she did. Maybe it meant I still had a chance.

“Hey. I know I just left, but we didn’t plan a time for our range date.”

“Oh yeah, sorry.”

I was tired of hearing her apologize for things that weren’t her fault. I thought about saying something but didn’t bother. She was already carrying more than enough guilt, and I didn’t need to make it worse. “No worries, I forgot too.” I paused before asking, “So, what time should I pick you up?”

“I don’t have any plans, so whenever you want.”

I ignored the lack of enthusiasm in her voice. It’d been a long night. “Let’s get an early start, then grab lunch after. How about I pick you up at nine?”

“Sounds good.” She paused. “Thanks for going with me.”

“You’re welcome. Goodnight Meg.”


I didn’t like how the night ended. It wasn’t her fault. And it wasn’t my fault. Fucking kids. She’d feel better after a good night’s sleep.

I started thinking of ways I could make tomorrow special for her.

Chapter 26


Between the nightmares and my excitement, I couldn’t sleep. I was excited about picking up my gun but wasn’t sure what to expect from Jack after disappointing him last night.

I had plenty of time before Jack picked me up, so I scrambled some eggs and sprinkled them with grated parmigiana cheese. After eating, I washed the dishes. Then I moved the four glasses of flowers, taking time to enjoy each mini bouquet. They reminded me of the good part of our date.

Before my anxiety could take over, I picked up my book. It was better than staring at the clock.I still can’t believe I’m picking up a gun, my gun, today. After a few chapters, I heard a knock.

I used Jack’s business card to mark my place and set the book aside before walking to the door. I peeked through the peephole to make sure it was him as he called out, “It’s Jack.”

“Just a second.” I removed the door alarm, undid the chain, and unlocked the dead bolt so I could open the door for him. I invited him in and immediately started rambling. “Thanks for picking me up. Sorry again about last night. Let me grab my bag. Is it okay if my stuff is in a girlie tote bag? I mean, it’s only my hat, eye and ear pro right now, but after today I’ll have a gun too. Can I put a gun in a flowery tote? Will the gun feel weird? Like your guns are probably happy in your serious black tactical bag but-”

I cut myself off as Jack walked towards me. I was a little nervous before he got here, but not crazy, rambling nervous. Now that he was here, it felt so real. I’d own a gun after today. How crazy was it that two months ago I’d never even shot a gun and after today I’d own one?

I swallowed my excitement. I couldn’t forget the reason I needed a gun, Patrick Sullivan.

Jack closed the distance between us and pulled me into a loose hug. “You’re adorable. I don’t think it’ll care what bag it’s in, but we can always ask it.” His grin did funny things to my insides.

“I’m a little nervous. Is that weird?” I shook off my thoughts of Sullivan. I wanted to have fun today.

“No, it’s pretty normal. Come on, let’s go.” He grabbed my bag and carried it to his truck while I double checked my locks.

“I forgot to tell you last night. I like your door stop alarm.” He nodded at my door.

Of course, he noticed it.“Thanks. A girl can never be too careful. This place isn’t the worst, but it is a little shady.”

“A little shady? It’s shady as fuck, Meg. Shady A.F.” He opened my door and helped me climb in.

“Is that your professional opinion?” I tried not to sound too serious, but the crack in my voice let me know I’d failed. Was the motel worse than I thought?

“Yes.” He said, his tone less relaxed. “I’ll feel better when you live somewhere safer.”

“Me too.” I took a chance and opened up a little more. “I started looking for a furnished studio. There aren’t a lot of options here, so I need to expand my search towards Fort Worth. I don’t think many people like to move this close to the holidays, so I may have to stay here a while longer.”

“Let me know if you need any help.”