She shook her head. I barely heard her whisper, “I’m afraid.”
“I know you are, but you’ve been so brave today. Can you be brave for a little while longer?” He brushed a lock of hair off her face. “It’s almost over.”
“What if he comes back?” The fear in her voice tore at my heart.
“He can’t come back. He can never hurt you again. I promise.”
Meg asked, “Is he really truly dead?”
He nodded. “He is, Jamie shot him.” I hadn’t expected my father to be so blunt, but it worked. Meg’s shoulders relaxed a little. “Now, will you let the doctor give you a shot so it doesn’t hurt anymore?”
“But, what if-”
“Megan, please look at me.” I could tell by his tone his tactic had changed. “I’m going to be straight with you, okay? Jack really needs to see a doctor. Do you see his arm? How it’s bleeding through the bandage?” She nodded. “And you can’t see it, but the impact of getting shot at close range most likely cracked a few ribs. He needs to get fixed up, too.”Clever. But why did he think she’d respond better to me needing help than she would for herself?
Meg sucked in a gulp of air, her eyes moving back and forth between me and my dad. She shook her head. “I, he, he said it was just a scratch.”
“I know, honey, but he lied." He held up a finger to stop her from speaking. "You can yell at him for it later. Right now, every breath is excruciating, and he’s refusing to get help because he’s afraid to leave you.”
I stood rigid beside the doctor as Meg stared at me. She’d be able to see the pain and fear etched all over my face because, despite my best effort, I couldn’t hide it.
“I’m so sorry. Why didn’t you tell me?”
I walked over and stood next to the bed. “I’ll need a few stitches and some rest, that’s all. Promise.”
“But your dad said it’s bad.”
How the hell do I answer that? If I told her it was bad, she’d feel guilty. If I told her it wasn’t bad, she’d think my dad lied.Damned if I do, damned if I don't.
Dad saved me from having to answer by changing the subject. “Meg, if you let the doc here give you the shot, you’ll fall asleep and when you wake up, you’ll both be patched up.” She looked back and forth between us. “He’ll be back before you wake up.”
Meg grabbed my hand. I could see the fear in her eyes and feel it in her vise grip. “Mr. Sheppard, will you stay with me until Jack comes back?”
“Happy to.” Dad stood up and turned to the doctor. “That won’t be an issue, will it Doc.” It wasn’t a question. Dad was good at phrasing a command like a question. I'd rarely seen anyone challenge him.I have so much to learn from him.
“Not at all.” The doctor wasn't nearly as concerned about breaking hospital protocol as the nurse had been earlier.
“Thanks dad.” I said as I sat down beside Meg.
“Is it true? Does it hurt to breathe?”
“A little yeah,” I admitted. “But it’ll be better soon. I’ll stay until you fall asleep, okay?”
“Okay. Then you’ll get fixed up too?”
“I will, I promise.” I kissed her forehead. “Now sit back.”
I stayed until I felt her hand relax in mine.
Chapter 50
Iheard voices as I woke up. After a second, I recognized them as Jack and John. I listened for a minute before opening my eyes.
Jack asked, “How’d you know she’d be okay with the sedative if you told her I needed help?”
“I remembered how fierce she was after you were shot. You didn’t see her fighting off Sullivan to get to you. I don’t think she realized he was dead. Then she fought off AJ when he tried to help her stand. She crawled to you on her knees and a broken wrist. Then she yelled at me for not helping you.”