Meg’s chest was rising and falling as she struggled to take a full breath.
We stared as Meg went from zero to sixty in no seconds flat, freaking herself out about a lot of things. It was probably a good idea for her to release some of her pent up fear. I put a hand up to signal to them to let her ramble. She had yet to mention the bloody carpet, her dead father, or shooting someone.
I saw it in her eyes the second she remembered. “OH MY GOD I SHOT SOMEONE! I’m going to jail!” Meg’s voice went up several octaves.
That was enough. I didn’t mind letting her ramble, but I couldn’t let her worry about going to jail.
“Meg.” I gently wiped the tears off her face with the back of my hand, being extra careful of the bruises on her left side. “Shhh, you won’t go to jail, sweetheart, it was self-defense.” I didn’t mention her other fears. We could address them later.
I watched Meg’s eyes for a sign she understood me. She took a deep breath, reminding me I needed to breathe too. I’d been holding my breath while I waited for her to answer, so my own lungs were begging for air. I winced at the added pressure on my cracked ribs when I inhaled.
“I need you to listen to me, okay? Everything’s going to be alright.” I gave her a kiss on her temple. “I promise.”
She was hyperventilating. I reminded her to take slow breaths in and out. I was going to do it with her, but it hurt too much, so I talked her through it instead.
“How will I pay for all this?” Her voice sounded so small.
My dad answered, “Megan, honey, the hospital will set up a payment plan for you.” Meg looked at him but didn’t say anything. “And I’ll put in a good word with your boss. I’m sure she’ll listen to me.” He paused for effect. “I think she might have a crush on me.” I couldn’t hold back my smile when he winked, like they now shared a secret.
Thankfully, his wink had the desired effect and some of the tension left Meg’s shoulders as she leaned back and chuckled. Watching her relax had the same effect on me. The pressure on my chest subsided as my tension drained away. She was going to be okay.
I was sitting on the edge of the bed while Meg rested. She opened her eyes and sat up when she heard the doctor come in.
“Hi Meg, I’m Doctor Ainsley. You can call me Doc A, if you’d like.” He gave her a big toothy smile, the kind you’d give a child. His voice was low and soothing. “I hear your wrist needs a cast.”
She nodded. I placed a hand on her knee to offer what little comfort I could. It was killing me not being able to do more. I’d happily take on her pain if it meant she didn’t have to feel it.
“Alright then, your fiancé can stay with you if you’d like, but everyone else has to leave.”
“My what?” Meg’s eyes bulged and her jaw dropped as she turned towards me. I’d completely forgotten about the little white lie I'd told so I could stay with her.
The doctor raised an eyebrow.
“Hey doc, can you, ah, give us a sec?” I asked.
“Sure.” He reviewed Meg’s x-rays as he waited on the other side of the room.
I squeezed her hand as I quickly, and quietly, explained. “I had to tell them we’re engaged or they wouldn’t let me stay with you.”
“Oh, um. Okay.” Her voice was flat. I detected a hint of anger, but I couldn’t be sure, and now wasn’t the time to ask.
I waved the doctor back over.
“It’s going to hurt when I set your arm. It’ll be easier for both of us if you’re asleep.” Doctor Ainsley said as he approached with a needle. “This is a mild sedativ-”
Meg shook her head back and forth, her breath coming in short ragged spurts as panic set in. “What if he comes back?”
“He won’t, he can't. I promise.” I said.
She stared at me with wide eyes as I waved my dad over from the doorway.
“My dad’s going to sit with you while I see if the doctor has something that won’t knock you out, okay?” She nodded before looking at my dad. She was still nervous around my dad, but I knew he'd take care of her. I took the doctor aside.
I saw my dad gently push Meg back onto the pillow when she tried to sit up. She cried out in pain when she bumped her arm.
He signaled me to stay back, then held Meg’s good hand in both of his. I listened while he talked to her like a patient father.
“The doctor doesn’t want to hurt you when he sets and casts your arm. You don’t want your arm to hurt anymore, do you?” His voice was gentle.