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Chapter 3


“You missed it AJ. Jack was drooling over mom’s new barista yesterday.” Jamie was leaning against the wall in the office AJ and I shared at Sheppard & Sons Investigations, frequently shortened to SSI. I was one of the sons, but wouldn’t be fully vested until after the new year.

My dad and Jamie started SSI three years ago, after a stalker murdered Jamie’s wife, Isabella. Unfortunately, they couldn’t do anything to save her, despite being good cops and doing everything by the book. So they retired and started the family business providing personal security and investigation services, so others didn’t have to suffer the same fate. I remember the determination in dad’s eyes when he said, “We can’t go back and save Isabelle, but together we can save others from suffering her fate.” He had paused and made eye contact with each of us. “And I can make sure no son of mine loses the woman he loves ever again.” I shook my head to clear the memory.

Our desks were along the back wall of the small, neutral colored room. We each had a chair on the opposite side for clients, with two extra against the wall. Despite all the empty chairs, Jamie stood and hovered over me.

“I was not.” I leaned back in my chair and swatted at him. Sometimes working with my big brother and best friend was a real pain in my ass.

AJ lifted his left eyebrow as he turned his head towards me. “Dude, is she hot? Did you ask her out?”

Jamie easily blocked my hand. “You totally were.”

“I totally wasn’t.”I totally was. Staring, not drooling. I couldn’t help myself. “There’s something about her…” Shit, I hadn’t meant to say that out loud. Now I’d never hear the end of it.

“Ha, told you.” Jamie pushed off the wall and strutted away.

AJ rolled his chair towards me. “Spill it Sheppard.”

AJ was an inch shorter than me but broader, and he rarely called me Jack. He preferred to use my last name, an old habit from our time serving together in the Army. We met when we were stationed together in Germany and immediately hit it off. We’d stay up late, talking about anything and everything over beers, often closing the bars. Our Army buddies started teasing us, calling our friendship a “Bromance”. We always shrugged it off, knowing if we let the teasing get to us, it’d get worse.

When dad mentioned wanting to hire another full-time person at SSI, I didn’t hesitate to recommend AJ. I trusted him with my life and respected his work ethic. It was a no-brainer to give AJ a glowing recommendation.

“I don’t know.” I shrugged as I stared out the window. “She,” I shook my head to clear it. “There was just… I don’t know, man, there’s something about her.” I couldn’t help but feel drawn to her, something about her eyes pulled me in. My phone rang, saving me from having to explain what I didn’t understand myself.

“I gotta take this.” I waved my phone at him.

AJ chuckled, “Saved by the bell.” He slid his chair back over to his desk and started typing. I knew he had reports to finish for the papers he served earlier today. Serving papers was one of our easier jobs, as long as the person being served didn’t get violent. AJ said his job today was a breeze, which meant typing the report would be a breeze, which meant he wouldn’t have to focus too hard and could easily eavesdrop if he wanted to. I’d put money on him wanting to.

“Hey ma, what’s up?”

I leaned back, shaking my head, as my mother asked me what the girls should wear to the self-defense class.

“Ma, you know what they need to wear, so why are you really calling?” I rolled my eyes when she made it a point to stress that Meg would be going.

“Jamie told me you might want to know.”

“Uh huh, and what exactly did he say? Why’d he think I’d care if she goes?” I sounded more defensive than I would’ve liked. Of course, mom picked up on it.

I did care, well, care might be too strong, but I was glad she was going. Not that I’d tell my mom. I didn’t want her playing match-maker.

Never one to beat around the bush, she came right out and asked me if I was interested.

“No, Ma, it’s not that.” If I showed even the slightest inkling, she’d start playing cupid. Had I noticed Meg? Yes, how could I not? She was beautiful. And when I shook her hand, it was like an electric shock shooting up my arm. But I wouldn’t say I liked her. I wouldn’t mind getting to know her, though.

Mom wasn’t ready to let it go. She started telling me how nice Meg was. Not wanting to have this conversation, I cut her off mid sentence. I wasn’t usually rude to my mom, but I really didn’t want her to try setting us up. If I asked Meg out, it’d be on my terms.

“Sorry ma gotta run love you.” I didn’t pause between my words, pulling the phone away from my ear as I spoke. I punched the End button harder than I intended.

AJ coughed to cover his laugh. When he opened his mouth, I pointed at him, phone still in hand, “Shut it.”

“I didn’t say anything.” He held his hands up in surrender and tried to look innocent. The huge grin on his stupid face gave him away.


“Hey, did I tell you I got a message from Ana yesterday?” I asked AJ later that night, after we ordered our food.