“We’re just friends.” I said, keeping it simple.
“Alright.” She paused, bending down to grab a bag of beans to restock after the morning rush. “Would you say yes if he asked you out?”
Why can’t she let this go? Any sane girl would say yes to Jack. He’s gorgeous, nice, fun, and protective. But I didn’t want to think about it because he was just being nice to me. He said it himself, he’d help any one who worked for his mom. “He won’t. Besides, I’m still settling in and not ready to date yet.”
Hopefully, she’d let it go. I really didn’t want to think about how perfect Jack was, or all the reasons he shouldn’t ask me out, or why I’d have to say no even if he did. I couldn’t risk him being in danger. Luckily, she didn’t have a chance to ask any more questions because customers walked in.
Beth came back from her lunch break looking flustered. When I asked her what was wrong, she said her babysitter had canceled.
“It’ll be impossible to get a replacement so late.” Her face fell. “Which means I have to cancel my date.” Poor Beth, she didn’t go out often.
“That sucks.” After thinking about it for a second, I said, “I’d be happy to babysit so you don’t have to cancel your date.” I didn’t have any plans and could use the extra cash.
“Are you sure? I don’t want you to change your plans.” Her voice was hopeful.
I laughed. “My only plans are reading a book while I eat dinner. It’ll be more fun to hang out with Chase.”
“Thank you. You’re a lifesaver!” She squeezed the air out of my lungs with her hug. “He’ll be excited you’re filling in. He likes you. None of his other babysitters color with him.”
It felt good to help Beth. She’d been so nice to me, and we were becoming friends. In some ways, I could imagine her being the nosy aunt I never had. At least that’s what it I thought it might be like from the books I’d read. I kind of liked it.
Chapter 18
Monday after work, Jamie, AJ and I took our newest team member, Doug Sharpe, out for a beer to get to know him a little better. We went to our favorite local sports bar and sat at a high top. The rich smell of deep fried food made my stomach growl. The steady hum of background noise filled the room, punctuated by the occasional shouts from fans watching their favorite teams on the big screen TVs. It was the perfect environment for the four of us to relax and to get to know each other.
AJ and I swapped military stories with Doug, while Jamie shared stories about his time with SWAT. It was the natural camaraderie that comes from shared experiences in the trenches. We might have served in different branches, but we all belonged to the same brotherhood.
We ordered a second round of drinks and some appetizers to share.
“Dude, she’s totally into you.” AJ elbowed me.
“Who?” Doug mimicked. “Our waitress practically threw herself at you.” He was a few years older than the rest of us, but it didn’t matter, he’d fit right in. Doug was a communications specialist in the Air Force, and had recently transitioned to civil life.
“Dude. How did you not notice her?” AJ asked, shaking his head. His eyebrows practically reached his hair line.
I shrugged and took a long pull from my beer. The weight of Jamie’s stare bored into the side of my head. I lifted my head and stared back. He and AJ had rarely seen me pass up an opportunity to flirt with a pretty server, especially if she was flirting with me.
She returned with our drinks and served me last. “Here you go.” She leaned in close, brushing against my arm as she put a fresh beer down and slowly picked up my empty bottle. I gave her a once over as I thanked her. She was pretty. Her long blonde hair was in a bouncy ponytail, and her low cut top showed off her cleavage.
I watched her walk away, glancing down at her long legs, then turned back to the table and picked up a menu.
“So, what do you think?” AJ nudged me after she was out of hearing distance.
Doug leaned his six foot four frame back, whiskey in hand, as he watched the exchange between me and AJ. His face was a mask except for the hint of amusement in his eyes, suggesting he could tell there was something going on, even if he didn’t know what.
In true wingman fashion, AJ was encouraging me to ask her out. I’d do the same for him if the situation was reversed.
“She’s pretty.” I agreed absentmindedly. My phone buzzed and I instinctively picked it up. A text from Meg.
I felt them watching me as I read her brief text. When I felt myself grinning at my phone, I neutralized my expression. I didn’t want them asking questions. AJ cleared his throat. I didn’t miss the frown on Jamie’s face. Doug looked at me, then Jamie, picking up on the quick, silent exchange taking place between us. He squinted his eyes and raised his left eyebrow in question. I should be happy Doug is so perceptive. Awareness and good intuition are great qualities for an SSI team member, but once again I was reminded that I didn’t enjoy being on the receiving end of it.
AJ was the first to speak. “So, I’m guessing that text is why you have zero interest in the hot blonde throwing herself at you?”
Of course, he called me out. “What? No. Just a friend.”