AJ coughed ‘bullshit’ into his hand. Doug’s laugh sounded like a snort. Jamie didn’t speak.
I opened my mouth to give him shit, but our server brought our food. After emptying her tray, she gave me a “come up and see me sometime” look and asked if there was anything else I wanted.
“No, thank you.” I answered, while avoiding eye contact with the guys. I picked up my beer and turned to Doug. Needing to change the subject, fast, I asked, “So Doug, you a Cowboy’s fan?”
“No.” He deadpanned. “But I like their cheerleaders.”
“Who doesn’t?” AJ added as he raised his beer. We all raised our drink and toasted.
“I’m a Bears fan. Born and raised in Chicago.” Doug added, preventing AJ from waxing poetic about cheerleaders. We all cringed in mock pain. The Bears hadn’t had a good season in quite some time.
“Cubs or White Sox?” Jamie asked him.
“Go Cubs Go.” Doug sang his answer. We talked more about sports, something we all had in common.
It was a good night getting to know Doug. We were happy to have him on our team. His tech and communication skills put the rest of us to shame and they'd come in handy as we continued to grow and take on more complex cases.
Chapter 19
Mom closed Grannie’s early so she could set up for the third annual Wyatt Foundation Fundraiser–Halloween Dance, co-hosted by Grannie’s and SSI. Mom and Dad started the foundation after Phil, Beth's husband, died in the line of duty to help families of fallen police officers. We had finished our assignments early, so ma drafted us to help carry in supplies and hang decorations.
I was carrying in the first of many boxes, listening to AJ carry on about wanting to meet a cute girl at the dance. When I got to the door, I stopped, frozen in my tracks. Meg was dancing with Chase. Meg wasn’t in costume for the dance yet, but Chase was, and he looked adorable in his Woody costume. They were laughing and singing along to The Monster Mash. My heart skipped a beat or two asmineraced through my mind. It wasn’t like me to be so possessive, but with Meg, it felt different. I admired her quiet strength, fierce independence, and determination. She was in danger, and the need to protect her consumed me.
“Dude, what’s the holdup? Stop blocking the door.” AJ nudged me with his foot.
I couldn’t move. My heart was pounding against my ribs. I loved seeing her so relaxed, so happy.
AJ pushed me with his box. “Move it Sheppard.”
“Right, sorry.” I sucked in some much needed air and shook my head to clear it as I moved into the dining room and looked for a place to set down the box.
Meg glanced up at the commotion and met my gaze. Her lips puckered as she sang along, “Ah ooo.”
My palms got sweaty and my heart pounded in my ears.Think about something else, anything but how kissable Meg’s lips are. It was going to be a long day.
She stopped dancing and sent Chase to help his mom. I smiled as she walked towards me.
“You didn’t have to stop on my account.” Great, I sounded like a fourteen-year-old in puberty.Dude! Get it together.I heard AJ snicker and looked up to see him raise an eyebrow in question. “What the fuck, Sheppard?” was written all over his smirking face.
“Haha, you guys need any help?” Meg asked.
“Nah, let us do the heavy lifting.” I glanced over her shoulder at AJ, who was making kissy faces in our direction.
I balanced the box with one arm and flipped AJ the bird. I was going to kill him for this.
“Jackson!” Mom yelled from behind the counter.
“Sorry Ma.” I gave Meg a sheepish grin. I shrugged as I whispered, “Oops.”
I nodded in the direction I was going, hoping she’d walk with me instead of returning to Chase.
“How’s your arm?” She asked while we walked.
“It’s good.” I set the box down and lifted my arm to show her the bandage. “Stitches come out next week.”
“Then get back to work. Those boxes won’t carry themselves in.” Dad wasn’t nearly as concerned about my injury as Meg was.