Mary’s face blanched after she answered her cell phone, so I knew something bad had happened, but I didn’t know what, or to whom. She didn’t tell me anything, but I overheard her talking to Beth. Time stopped when I heard her say Jack got stabbed. My breath caught in my throat.Jack got stabbed?Oh God. Is he going to die? I may never see him again.
Jack and I were barely friends, so my intense reaction didn’t make sense.
Beth volunteered to stay late so Mary could meet John and get more details.
“Beth, is everyone okay? Mary looked worried.” I didn’t want to admit I overheard them. Beth and I were becoming friends, and I didn’t want her to think I was eavesdropping.
“She got some bad news about Jack. He got hurt at work.”
“I hope he’s okay.” I really did, for Mary’s sake, as much as Jack’s.
She patted my arm. “Me too.”
It surprised me when I got a text from him a few hours later. Surely, he had more important people to talk to.
Hey Meg, I hate to do this but I have to miss tomorrow’s range date. Jamie and AJ both volunteered to meet you there, if you’d like.
That’s okay, I can wait. Are you still at the hospital?
LOL News travels fast. How’d you hear?
I overheard Mary tell Beth you got stabbed.
Cut not stabbed. I’m fine.
Can I call you? It’d be easier.
Of course.
My phone rang a few seconds later. Jack told me again he was fine. I had to admit it felt good to hear his voice. I asked again if he was still at the hospital, since he hadn’t answered me. He told me he was relaxing in his hotel room, waiting for his dinner to be delivered. I laughed when he joked about how getting attacked makes a person ravenous. Hearing him joke was music to my ears. My shoulders relaxed for the first time since I had overheard Mary. I had been trying to pretend I didn’t have feelings for Jack, but I couldn’t deny my reaction, or what it meant.
He re-iterated the offer for Jamie or AJ to meet me at the range. I told him I’d rather wait until he could go with me.I only want to go with Jack. I asked him what time he’d be back and if he wanted to meet for coffee.So stupid. He’ll want to see his family.
“Can we do a late lunch instead? It’s a long drive and it’ll give me something to look forward to.”
“Yeah.” I was glad he couldn’t see me blushing.
“It’s a date. Text me where you want to meet. I’ll call with an ETA after I finish up with Austin PD.”
“Okay, good night.”
“Good night.”
Chapter 14
Idisconnected the call and stretched out on the bed, grinning from ear to ear despite my exhaustion from the day’s events.
Meg hadn’t replied with her usual “not a date”. I convinced myself she was okay going on a lunch date with me, not just being nice because I got hurt.
I was flirting with disaster. I hadn’t been in a relationship for years and the last thing I needed was to get involved with someone shrouded in mystery.
I wrapped my bandage in plastic before taking a hot shower to help my body relax. I collapsed into bed shortly after and slept like the dead.
I met with Sgt. Newman the next morning and gave him my statement. It was a formality at this point, there were several other eye witnesses on site, plus the gas station video surveillance footage, so it was quick and easy. I was on the road by ten.
I made good time driving back and arrived ten minutes before I had to meet Meg at a local pizza place for lunch. I scanned the parking lot for her car, spotting it as she opened her door. She waved when she noticed me, a big smile on her face. I couldn’t believe how happy I was to see her.