“Yes sir. I’ll be there.”
I checked my phone while I waited to be discharged from the ER a few hours later. Four missed calls, three voicemails, and over a dozen texts. I checked the voicemail first. Dad called me immediately after hanging up with Sgt. Newman. Apparently, the good sergeant told him I got stabbed. Great, mom was probably freaking out.
The second voicemail confirmed my suspicion.
“Jack, please call us. Let us know you’re okay.” I could feel her concern though the speaker. I ignored the texts and called my mom, not wanting her to worry any more than she already had. She put me on speaker, so dad could hear too.
“Hi Ma. I’m fine, I swear. Hi dad.”
“Your father said you got stabbed.”
I could hear the panic lingering in her voice. “I didn’t get stabbed. I got cut. Nothing a few stitches can’t fix.” Thankfully, it was the truth. When a person hears about a stabbing, it brings up images of a victim lying in a pool of his own blood. Hearing a person got cut isn’t nearly as bad. People cut themselves all the time, so it rarely invoked fatalistic images.
To reassure her it wasn’t a big deal, I sent a picture of my bandaged arm. There was no need to tell her I had sixteen stitches hidden underneath it.
“I’m good, ma, I promise. I’ll be home tomorrow after I give my statement to APD.”
“Let us know if you need anything, son.” I could hear the relief in his voice.
“I’m good. Thanks Dad.” I was about to say goodbye when I realized he could help me. “Actually, can you get me a room for the night?”
“Sure thing. I’ll text the details.”
“We love you.”
“Love you too, mom.”
I didn’t bother reading the text messages from Jamie or AJ before sending a group message.
The news of my stabbing has been grossly exaggerated. Nasty gash on arm - gonna leave one hell of a scar & fuck up my tat -but I’m good. Statement at APD at 09, then home.
AJ: Cool. Chicks dig scars.
Jamie: Glad you’re good. You call Mom? She’s freaking out.
Yup, talked to her and dad.
Jamie: Good.
AJ: Beers when you get back, give us the details?
Sounds good.
Shit, I’m supposed to meet Meg at the range at 10. Either of you free?
AJ: Yup.
Jamie: Yes.
Okay, I’ll get in touch with her and let you know. Thanks.
I ordered room service after checking in. Breakfast was a long time ago and my stomach wouldn’t stop grumbling. I texted Meg. I needed to tell her I wouldn’t be back in time for our range date.
Chapter 13