Page 7 of Restrictions

An indoor pool area. The pool is smaller than the one outside, but it’s still a fucking inside pool. With a hot tub attached.

“Yeah. According to my father, this way Sebastian can swim during the winter. He loves the water.”

“Your dad or Baz?”

She laughs. “Sebastian. But again, he has to be watched.”

“So don’t just toss him in and go to class?”

She’s not laughing, but she wants to. “I’m serious.”

“Okay. This is crazy.”

“I know. I shouldn’t complain, but it’s extremely excessive.”

I can’t really figure out Viv’s relationship with her parents, but it seems strained. “Your kid is going to be extremely popular.”

“That’s what every mother wants. Her kid to be the party kid.”

I laugh, and she then shows me the in-home gym and theater, which I had at my parents’ house and am thankful for the gym, for sure. Then my room, which is simple but furnished with a king-sized bed, dresser, and tv.

“This is your room, and like I said you can do whatever you want in it. I just don’t want to see or hear it.”

“You sure?” I wag my eyebrows at her, and she just brushes me off, walking out of my room and up the stairs. I again am left following behind her, admiring that ass.

“Okay. So, any questions?”

We reach the top of the stairs, and she folds her arms as she waits. “Nope. Although I do have one ground rule for you.”

She’s eyeing me, annoyed and curious. “Rule for me?”


“What?” Her perfectly manicured eyebrow shoots up.

“Once a week, you leave me with Sebastian and go do something, fucking anything, for you. I don’t care what it is. Movie. Get your nails done. Something.”

She waves me off, and I follow her into the kitchen where she pulls open the already fully-stocked fridge and starts gathering ingredients for what I’m guessing is lunch. “I don’t need that.”

“Yes. You do.” I take a seat on one of the barstools at the island in the middle of the kitchen. “You’re wound up.”

“I am not.” I stare at her until her determination fades and she sighs, placing vegetables on the counter. “Fine. I guess I can agree to that. But I do have class where I’m away from him, and I don’t want to miss anything.”

“You won’t. He’ll be fine.” I shrug. “Kid loves me. We need uncle/nephew time.”

That brings a smile to her lips, and she nods her head, starting to chop the vegetables. “That’s true. Although I don’t get it.”

I laugh, and so does she.

Yeah, I think this arrangement will work out just fine.




I laugh as Sebastian rushes to the door when he hears the doorbell. I made a healthy, delicious lunch for the first meal in our new home, but of course Asher had to balance that out with greasy pizza delivered for dinner.