Furs, blankets, and all things Omega nest are neatly piled in the corner of his bedroom. I extend my middle finger and crumple up the note, though I smile at his candor and how he admitted he’s never eaten Omega pussy in heat. In the bathroom, I do my business and come out wrapped in a towel, wondering where my suitcase is. I haven’t unpacked. I feel the walls, trying to find doors by pressing my palms on various surfaces because that’s how the Hordesmen install doors.
A wall slides open and the light comes on. I walk into the space Raven used that first day when he removed his armor.
Kilts, leathers, and belts are neatly organized on the racks. His armor is still piled up in the corner. I walk a little farther and lean my ear on the opposite wall, knowing it leads to his office. Behind the wall, it’s quiet, though it doesn’t mean there’s nobody on the other end. These walls must be soundproof, and human hearing isn’t as good as that of Regha Alphas. For all I know, he could be holding a press conference.
I return to the racks and sift through the hanging kilts to find my suitcase on a shelf behind them. I slide it onto the floor and unzip the top, grab some shirts, and inspect them for wrinkles. Shit. My suits too. All wrinkled. “Time, please?” I prompt my com unit.
“Six fifty.”
Forty minutes left. “Christy,” I say into my com.
“Yes, Omega?”
“My name is Anna or Ms. Bennett.”
“Omega princess.”
“Stop it.”
He laughs. “What can I do for you that the boss hasn’t done?”
“Stop that too.”
“Okay, okay.” Laughter bursts through the com unit, and I know he’s got me on speaker.
“Good morning, everyone,” I say.
“Etin Reg,” voices reply in Rahkan.
“My clothes are wrinkled. Where can I get an iron?”
“You can have new clothes.”
“Or new clothes,” I say, a little excited. I love new things.
“Coming right up,” Christy says.
I dry my hair by standing under the shower for a few minutes. Telean-made showers aren’t just for water. They also expel air. We can’t afford this level of tech at home, but that’s why I love working. I want to be able to afford this stuff for myself and my family. Mom would love this.
From Raven’s office end, Christy walks into the closet and holds out a black suit bag. He wears an all-black suit uniform today with long dangling cherry earrings and a yellow scarf over a white hair wig.
“A new hairdo?” I ask as I accept the suit carrier.
“You like?” He fluffs up his shoulder-length wig.
“Looks great on you.” Anything does. He’s so comfortable wearing whatever, it matters not what he wears.
I slide the garment bag’s zipper to reveal a white tight-as-fuck dress. “Sexy,” I say.
Christy nods and hands me the bag, then steps back, admiring the contents. “Mm-hm.”
“Where’s the rest?”
“Like what?”
“A jacket. Maybe a new silk thong, a matching bra.”
“Those things aren’t sexy.” Christy spins on his high heels and leaves. The door closes behind him.