“Damn it.” I dig into my suitcase and find my boy shorts and a cotton bra. I don’t own a white bra, so anything I wear underneath the dress will show, including underwear lines. It really isn’t sexy.
I run a palm over the dress. It’s silky soft but not silk. Maybe a Regha import? I wouldn’t know. I slip on the dress that fits me like it’s made for me and close the bedroom entry doors to reveal the mirror. I look…fucked. Rosy cheeks, a permanent grin, bouncy hair, sexy dress, and there’s a sparkle in my eyes. I look rested and well. I’m gonna go out there and show my boss I’m the best PA he could ever ask for.
Yeah!Hear me roar.
Bending to slip on my tennis shoes, I notice a slight pressure in my lower belly, a pinch in my back. I’m approaching heat. I bite my lip as I stand back up and open the door into Raven’s office. “Morning, boss,” I say and march to his desk, hand extended. “Coffee?”
Today, Raven forgot to put on his shirt or his black leather pants. All he’s wearing is the long black leather kilt the Hordesmen call atil, and a large belt with an elaborate insignia of a couple of snarling hounds with red eyes circling a crown sitting on a serpent throne. The yellow tattoos over his chest distract me as my gaze roams over his body and the abundant muscles that flex as he touches his ear. “Coffee,” he says.
“Thank you,” I tell him, still ogling his body. “Daily list.”
“Yesterday, I fired you.”
“You also fucked me in the ass last night, so I’m having my job back.”
Raven smiles. The serpent tattooed on his face appears to narrow its eyes. “Your job is to prepare a nest for your Alpha.”
Something disturbing takes up residence in my lower belly. A cramp pulses, and my pussy drips liquid. I press my thighs together.
Raven’s face turns up, and his eyes roll to the back of his head. He licks his lips and taps his desk. “Sit on it.”
Tamika walks in, carrying my cup of coffee.
Surprised she’s serving me, I accept with a smile and a thank-you.
“Anything else, Omega?” she asks.
“O-mega,” Tamika enunciates. “Mega Os, girl, mega.”
Raven chuckles and stands, then comes around his desk and sniffs my neck. “Omega,” he whispers. “Oh, how you will beg me. I can hardly wait for it.”
Tamika winks and leaves the office.
“So, what, everyone is calling me Omega now?” I crane my neck to give him better access.
“Yes.” He runs his canines against my skin.
“I prefer Anna.” I’m proud I can even hold a conversation right now.
“They will do what I tell them to do and nothing else. Though, when you accept my seed, and you will, you are welcome to pick out any name for yourself. Anna is a beautiful name. Princess Anna even more so.”
I widen my eyes and step back.
Raven smirks. “I want to eat pussy.” His mouth closes over mine, and he slips his tongue between my closed lips, flicking it fast. The pressure in my belly grows, and more liquid slips between my folds, trails down my thighs.Damn it.
Raven sits down and taps his desk. “Sit on it and show me your pussy. It’s nice and wet. The heat is coming.” He rattles out a battle cry.
I step away. “Jesus.”
“Yes, Omega, yes, pray to your good Lord it’s a three- to four-day heat, not a week- or ten-day-long one so we can at least come up for air faster and find the world still at peace. Because I promise you, if I gotta work your heat for ten days straight, I am unavailable for others. People can fuck off and die.”
I sit on his desk and cross my legs. “I noticed you’re wearing atil.”
“Did you now?” He winks.
I roll my eyes. “Is there something you want to talk to me about?”