“Went for the tub, huh?” he asked, and I could still hear the sucking sound of the water slipping down the drain.
“It’s important to have some… self-care time,” he said, his voice a sexy rumble as he turned to look at me.
Wait, did his eyes just go heated for a second?
Did he know?
Oh, God, had he heard?
I’d been a little, you know, distracted. I had no idea if it was one of those nice, quiet Os, or if I’d been moaning and whimpering through it.
“Anyway,” he said, and all the heat was gone, making me wonder if I’d imagined it in the first place. “I brought up all the local places. Can get delivery from anywhere,” he told me, sitting down on the foot of my bed with his phone in his hand.
He was waiting for me to sit and look with him. Every alarm bell was going off in my head, telling me that the two of us on the bed—even if we were both fully dressed—was a horrible idea.
Annoyed with my own thoughts, I walked over to sit beside him. Then I went ahead and pretended I wasn’t taking deep breaths of his whiskey and tobacco scent or imagining that finger he was sliding down the screen to show me the options moving over parts of my body instead.
“Sugar?” he asked.
“The burger place sounds good,” I said, shaking off those pesky, horny, clinging thoughts.
“Alright,” he agreed, bringing up the menu. “Surprised you don’t bite my head off for that.”
“For what?”
“Calling you that.”
He was right; I would normally give a guy an earful if he used a pet name with me when he didn’t even know me. I couldn’t come up with a good reason I let Miko do so unchecked. Except, of course, for the fact that I liked it when he did it.
“It’s accurate too,” he added, seeming to speak mostly to himself as he pinched the screen to zoom in on the scanned menu.
I knew I was supposed to be focusing on my options, but all I could seem to think about was the fact that I wasn’t the only one who found themselves obsessed with scent suddenly. And, you know, the fact that he liked mine.
“… trying to make it hard,” Miko said.
I was clearly catching the tail end of something but I squeaked out a strange, strangled, “What?”
“Sides,” Miko clarified. “They’re trying to make it hard to choose. Shoestring fries, curly, steak, wedges, disco, and pizza.”
“That’s an impossible choice.”
“So maybe we will have to get small sides of each to share,” he said.
“What’s that look for?” I asked as a smile teased at his lips as he shook his head ever so slightly.
“Just hearing my ma’s voice in my head about not eating a vegetable.”
“I mean, potatoes are a vegetable. A starchy one, but still.”
“I like that logic,” he declared. “Alright, pick a burger and drink so I can place this order. Want any dessert?”
“I think I had enough sweets for the week,” I said, thinking of the pack of Twizzlers, fruit snacks, snack cakes, and sugary granola bars I’d managed to eat in the SUV.
With that, Miko placed the order and went down to get it from the delivery guy as I shot off a text to Megs to check in. I always tried to let her know I was okay when I was working, so not doing so would have immediately put up a red flag.
“So, are you seriously going to ‘relax’ in the hotel room in a full suit?” I asked when he returned and put the bags on the desk, along with two serving trays like room service would bring, despite us not having ordered from the hotel itself.