“I took off the jacket. And the tie.” To my raised brow, he shrugged. “Alright. If you want to plate the food, I’ll go get changed. Unless you’d rather eat alone,” he said, turning back.
“The food is already in here,” I said, shrugging.
“I’d rather share a meal with you too, sugar,” he said, giving me a smile like he knew that was what I meant, even if I wasn’t willing to admit it aloud.
Alone, I pretended that plating our dinners required the utmost attention to detail. When in reality, I was hyper-aware of the sounds of Miko in the next suite since he left the door open between us.
Was he daring me to take another look?
What was wrong with me?
He figured I was busy with the food, so he didn’t see a need to close the door. Or he was changing in his bathroom.
I needed to get a grip.
I should not be so needy when I’d just had a damn orgasm.
“Alright. Happy?” Miko asked, making me turn to find him wearing a pair of thin gray sleep pants that were doing very little to hide what was beneath, and a plain white tee.
“How is that t-shirt so unwrinkled?” I asked, shaking my head at him as I held out his tray.
“You have any objections to the idea of eating in bed?” he asked, looking around at the obvious lack of seating.
He could have fetched his chair from his room, and I could sit at the one in mine. But neither of us suggested that.
“It’s the only way we can both see the TV,” I said, taking my tray over toward the side of the bed furthest from the door. “Really?” I asked when he settled on a silly little lighthearted sitcom. “Not what I expected you to like to watch.”
To that, he shrugged as he put a curly fry in his mouth. “Real life tends to be dramatic enough. I like something light on the rare occasion I can even watch any TV.”
“I can see that,” I agreed, even if I did kind of still have a thing for action. Though, yeah, it was usually the kind of over-the-top craziness that could never actually happen—cars flying off the tops of one building to the next, guns that never ranout of ammo, people grabbing helicopter ladders while doing a spinning dive off a cliff.
I picked at my food, but couldn’t seem to focus on the taste with Miko so distractingly close. His scent was muted by the oily smell of the fries and I was irrationally annoyed by that fact as I kept casting discreet glances in Miko’s direction, watching him eat more than actually eating much myself.
“No good?” he asked, plucking some of my curly fries off my tray when he’d finished all of his different fries and most of his burger.
“How do you eat like this and keep in shape?” I asked. Granted, I could throw back some pretty epic amounts of food when I really sat down to do so, but most days, I was surviving on too much coffee and a stolen bagel or donut while working.
“I don’t,” he said. “Eat like this,” he clarified. “But there’s nothing wrong with a binge now and again. Especially when it’s this good.”
It went like that for the rest of the meal. Me picking at my food, Miko stealing more and more fries. All the while I couldn’t stop glancing over at his stupidly handsome profile, the way his shirt had gotten tight around his chest and midsection from his position, the way his gray sleep pant material clung to… every inch of him.
Then the fucker had to go and bust out laughing at a joke on the show I hadn’t even heard.
There was just something about a man as in control and reserved laughing with his whole chest, head thrown back, smiling so big his eyes crinkled, that had my belly tightening. Was that desire? Something else? I had no idea, but I liked it more than was probably appropriate.
“Oh, fuck,” he said on the tail end of the laugh, shaking his head. “You okay?” he asked when he turned to catch me staring at him. “Max?”
I wasn’t okay at all.
I was doing everything in my power to stay on my damn side of the bed, not climb that man like a tree, ride him hard and fast, and hopefully put an end to this effect he had on me.