Page 19 of Wilderness Daddy

“This is agreeable. Is it to you, Akari?” My father turns to me. His eyes say so much more than his mouth. He cares little if I agree or not. Hattori sits back in his chair and crosses his arms. He’s glaring at Landon, his dark eyes hard beneath his bushy gray brows. Landon either doesn’t notice or doesn’t care. And if I’ve learned anything about him today, I’d say the latter is more likely.

“Yes, very agreeable. Thank you, Landon.” I bow a little in my seat like the dutiful Japanese daughter I am supposed to be. Landon’s mouth tightens into a small frown and my gut drops.

He leans closer to me so no one can hear and whispers, “Enough of that shit with me, little girl.” Effervescent bubbles scatter across my skin, but anger boils in me. I cast a quick glance at my father and bite my tongue.

“Wonderful!” Landon’s father claps his hands and then waves over our waitress. “Mimosas, Jeanie. Please. For the table. We’re celebrating.” He laughs and it’s the belly laugh of someone who’s used to laughing—used to joy. I glance to my own parents and frown before Landon’s father speaks again, pulling my eyes to him and the waitress.

“My son is engaged!” He smiles with pride and Jeanie looks wide-eyed at Grant. His charming smile and wink make her visibly relax. Grant Steed is definitely a playboy. But all of the Steeds are genuine. They’re open, honest in their expressions and reactions, and happy.

“Congratulations, Landon,” Jeanie says and rushes off. I down my drink as soon as it arrives, wanting another badly, but Landon has no more than a sip before he stands. I eye his glass.

“If you don’t mind, I’d like to escort Akari home. We have some things to discuss.” His eyes find mine and the seriousness in them sends a shiver through me. He doesn’t want this. He doesn’t want me. I’m not good enough for him. It makes me sad but at the same time, logically, I don’t blame him. In fact, I feel similarly, don’t I? I mean the reason I’m doing this is so I don’t get shunned by my family and so I can be part of the business I deserve to run just as much as my brother.

I gather a breath, take Landon’s outstretched hand, and we leave. The truth is I feel hurt by the subtle rejection in his eyes. I want to be wanted. I turn back to look at the table. Hattori is watching us and isn’t hiding his scowl. He does want me and suddenly I hold Landon’s hand a little tighter, the former shiver turning icy and crawling up my spine.

What was it like growing up in a family like Landon’s? Where you were accepted for who you were, faults and all? I swallow hard, a ball of wet emotion bulging in my throat.

* * *

Landon leads me toa truck, a big one. It’s black and although it’s clean and well cared for, it has some scratches and scuffs like it’s been well used. There’s a fishing gear in the back, a net, a pole, and a tackle box. He also has some hiking boots and binoculars in the backseat of the quad cab.

I suppose it makes sense since their business is wilderness equipment but after spending time with Landon at the retreat and then the country club, I didn’t get the impression he was the outdoorsy type. That was dumb of me, I think as I examine him closer. Of course he is. He’s rugged. His hair isn’t trim and tidy, instead seems to have a mind of its own—like him. And he definitely doesn’t manicure. His hands are rough, callused with nicks and cuts along his thick fingers.

He opens the door of the truck for me and offers one of those manly hands. I don’t take it though. One, I am perfectly capable of getting into a vehicle on my own, and two, I’m not sure my heart can take another touch from him. He’s clearly having an effect on my body’s biological urges.

Once he starts up the truck and begins driving, I speak. “So I guess we start getting to know each other better now?”

“Sure, yeah. Although I think I know you fairly well.” He cocks a brow at me. “The bratty side anyway.” He turns back to watch the road. “And we should go out to Martin’s tonight.” He glances at me quickly again. “It’s the most popular restaurant and we’ll be seen there. The merger is big news so we will be too. I don’t want anyone learning we’re being forced into this.” I watch him steer. The way his strong hands hold the wheel makes my belly swirl. “I can easily get us a table there.”

“You can?” I look at him in disbelief. “They’re booked months in advance.”

“I know the hostess.” His sexy tilted smile and dimple cause more tummy swirling. “Some women actually like me.”

“I bet,” I murmur.

“Actually, she dated Grant.”

“Right,” I mumble, but this time looking out the window as well.

“Jeanie’s sister actually. Our server from the club.”

“Uh huh.”

“You’re a strange woman, Akari.”

I spin my head around to look at him. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“In front of others, you act like you want this to happen when clearly you don’t. You make sure your father sees a meek and willing mouse, but you’re clearly a fiercely determined, high-spirited woman.” He pauses and looks at me intensely as we wait for a red light to change. “Which side of you is real, Akari?” His brows are high, his eyes wide and honest. “The meek mouse or the fierce bear?” He chuckles before continuing. “Or maybe the real you is the cheeky monkey who needs a good spanking to keep her in check?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know,” I grind out.

We’re on my street so I point to my house and watch as he guides the big truck up my driveway. He’s out and around to my side of the door before I can unbuckle my seatbelt and grab my purse from the floor.

“I’m perfectly capable of opening my own door,” I say, annoyed at his courteousness. “Women are not the weaker sex, you know.”

“My mother taught me to be a gentleman, Akari. It has nothing to do with sexism. She’s the strongest person I know. This truck is quite large and you’re...”

“I’m what?” I cut him off rudely but then my words turn to a squeal as I trip on the runner and land in Landon’s arms—his strong arms and full, hard chest.