Page 20 of Wilderness Daddy

“Petite,” he finishes.

His brow is arced, his mouth in a smug curve, and I hate him so much right now I could kick him, except my heart hasn’t stopped pounding and it’s not in my chest either.

He sets me down and I smooth my dress not even thanking him. When I steal a glance at him, he’s frowning, clearly not pleased, but holding his temper. For some reason it makes me want to push his buttons even more. I suddenly can’t decide which side of Landon Steed I’m more intrigued by, his stern side or his chivalrous one.

“You have more than one side too, Landon Steed.”

“I suppose everyone does, but your sides are polar opposites.”

“And yours aren’t?” I blow out in anger. “One minute you’re the perfect gentleman, the next...” I stop. I can’t even say it out loud so I change the subject. “Why do you think I don’t want to marry you?” I ask a little sharply.

“Can I be frank?” he asks as I yank my arm out of his sure grip.

“Of course.”

“You’ve been a bitch to me since we met. Hell, you’ve been shooting me angry, if-looks-could-kill glares since before we’d even met.”

My mouth pops open but then I snap it closed, knowing he’s right. I gather a breath to speak, ready to tell him why I don’t like him, when he continues.

“I don’t like you much either, Akari,” he whispers and then waves at my neighbor, who’s walking his dog, flashing his charming dimpled smile. He hooks my arm into his. “But at least I have manners.”

My jaw clenches, but again I know he’s right. Damn you, Steed!

“I don’t want to go through with this marriage, but I’m doing it for two reasons.” He holds up one of his thick long fingers. “The first is because my mother is sick and my father says we need this merger. Your father has us over a barrel so to speak.” Another finger pops up. “Second, I don’t want you to have to marry Hattori.”

“How the hell do you know about that?”

“I’m not dumb. I see the way he looks at you. I also see the way your dad is watching both of us as if he’s sizing us up.”

“Well, I don’t want to marry either of you,” I huff, folding my arms across my body. “But at least you’re decent to look at.” I say it to piss him off, objectify him like men do to women, but he only gives me his boyish dimpled smile. And dammit if it doesn’t make my heart dance in my chest.

“Did you just give me a compliment, Akari?”

“Pfft, no. Looks mean nothing. It’s brains I like.”

He chuckles. “Well, you’re in luck then because I’ve got both.”

“I’ll believe it when I see it,” I say, but I already know it to be true.

“Know this, Akari Takahashi; if I can stop this without consequences for you or my family, I will. Because dammit, I believe in love.” He stops at my front door, leans down to kiss my cheek and finishes the rest of his words in my ear. “So if you can play along and remember that we’re on the same side that would be really nice and if not... well, you already know how I deal with your brattiness.”

Anger grows in me like a volcanic eruption. I want to slap him. How dare he treat me like I can’t take care of myself. Like I’m some sort of damsel in distress. And that’s not the only reason I’m angry. I’m infuriated by the way his words tickle my ear, make my brain foggy and my panties damp. I shove him back, not caring what my neighbor thinks.

And he believes in love?

“You listen, Landon Steed, I don’t need rescuing. I can take care of myself. You worry about you and I’ll worry about me. Got me? Damn you!” I angrily search through my purse for my keys. I find them and start ramming them against the keyhole, but I’m so mad my eyes are blurred from the threatening tears so I can’t get it in.

“Oh, I definitely think there’s something else you need more than rescuing, little girl, but I’m too much of a gentleman to dish it out right here in front of all your neighbors.” He takes my key from my hand and pushes it into the lock gently. “I’ll pick you up at eight.” He opens the door wide for me and smiles sardonically, flashing that damn irresistible dimple again. “Please leave your pissy attitude at home or I just might forget I’m a gentleman.”

I growl and stomp inside, slamming the door. I hate him. Hate isn’t even a strong enough word.

Except my heart is still pounding between my legs because I know exactly what he thinks I need and God, do I ever want it.